opengl vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index

OpenGL utility words

Tags:bindings, opengl
Authors:Slava Pestov, Eduardo Cavazos, Joe Groff, Alex Chapman, Sebastian Strobl


Tuple classes
gl-error-tuple tuplefunction code string

Macro words
WordStack effect
all-enabled( seq quot -- quot )
all-enabled-client-state( seq quot -- quot )
set-draw-buffers( buffers -- quot )

Symbol words

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
(all-enabled)( seq quot -- )
(all-enabled-client-state)( seq quot -- )
(delete-gl-object)( id quot -- )
(fill-rect-vertices)( loc dim -- vertices )
(gen-gl-object)( quot -- id )
(gl-error)( function -- )
(gl-fill-rect)( -- )
(gl-rect)( -- )
(line-vertices)( a b -- vertices )
(rect-vertices)( loc dim -- vertices )
(set-draw-buffers)( buffers -- )
<gl-buffer>( target data hint -- id )
<gl-error>( function code -- gl-error )
bind-texture-unit( id target unit -- )
buffer-offset( int -- alien )
create-gl-buffer( -- id )
create-vertex-array( -- id )
delete-dlist( id -- )
delete-gl-buffer( id -- )
delete-vertex-array( id -- )
do-attribs( bits quot -- )
do-enabled( what quot -- )
do-enabled-client-state( what quot -- )
do-matrix( quot -- )
error>string( n -- string )
fill-rect-vertices( loc dim -- )
fix-coordinates( point1 point2 -- x1 y1 x2 y2 )
gen-dlist( -- id )
gen-gl-buffer( -- id )
gen-vertex-array( -- id )
gl-ceiling( m -- n )
gl-clear( color -- )
gl-clear-color( color -- )
gl-color( color -- )
gl-color-pointer( seq -- )
gl-error( -- )
gl-error-code( -- code/f )
gl-fill-rect( loc dim -- )
gl-floor( m -- n )
gl-line( a b -- )
gl-material( face pname params -- )
gl-rect( loc dim -- )
gl-round( m -- n )
gl-scale( m -- n )
gl-set-clip( loc dim -- )
gl-texture-coord-pointer( seq -- )
gl-translate( point -- )
gl-unscale( m -- n )
gl-vertex-pointer( seq -- )
gl-viewport( loc dim -- )
init-matrices( -- )
line-vertices( a b -- )
make-dlist( type quot -- id )
rect-vertices( loc dim -- )
throw-gl-error?( -- ? )
with-array-element-buffers( array-buffer element-buffer quot -- )
with-gl-buffer( binding id quot -- )
with-translation( loc quot -- )
with-vertex-array( id quot -- )
words>values( word/value-seq -- value-seq )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
gl-error-tuple?( object -- ? )


Metadata files

Children from resource:basis
opengl.capabilitiesTesting for OpenGL versions and extensions
opengl.debugHelper words for breaking and interactively manipulating OpenGL applications
opengl.framebuffersRendering to offscreen textures using the GL_EXT_framebuffer_object extension
opengl.glOpenGL binding - libGL
opengl.gl3Forward-compatible subset of OpenGL 3.1
opengl.shadersOpenGL Shading Language (GLSL) support

Children from resource:extra
opengl.demo-supportCommon support for OpenGL demos
opengl.gluOpenGL binding - libGLU