gpu.util.wasd vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index

Scaffolding for demo scenes that can be explored using FPS-style controls

Authors:Joe Groff


Tuple classes
mvp-uniforms uniform-tuplemv_matrix p_matrix
wasd-world game-worldlocation yaw pitch p-matrix

Generic words
WordStack effect
wasd-far-plane( world -- far-plane )
wasd-fly-vertically?( world -- ? )
wasd-mouse-scale( world -- scale )
wasd-movement-speed( world -- speed )
wasd-near-plane( world -- near-plane )
wasd-pitch-range( world -- min max )

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
-pi/2( -- value )
<mvp-uniforms>( world -- uniforms )
?pitch( world -- pitch )
clamp-pitch( world -- world )
eye-rotate( yaw pitch v -- v' )
forward-vector( world -- v )
fov( -- value )
generate-p-matrix( world -- matrix )
pi/2( -- value )
rightward-vector( world -- v )
rotate-with-mouse( world mouse -- )
set-wasd-view( world location yaw pitch -- world )
walk-backward( world -- )
walk-downward( world -- )
walk-forward( world -- )
walk-leftward( world -- )
walk-rightward( world -- )
walk-upward( world -- )
wasd-fov-vector( world -- fov )
wasd-keyboard-input( world -- )
wasd-mouse-input( world -- )
wasd-mv-inv-matrix( world -- matrix )
wasd-mv-matrix( world -- matrix )
wasd-p-matrix( world -- matrix )
wasd-pixel-ray( world loc -- direction )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
mvp-uniforms?( object -- ? )
wasd-world?( object -- ? )


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