Factor handbook » UI framework » Building user interfaces » Pre-made UI gadgets » Editor gadgets

Prev:Editor gadget commands
Next:<editor> ( -- editor )


Class description
An editor is a control for editing a multi-line passage of text stored in a document model. Editors are created by calling <editor>.

Editors have the following slots:
careta model storing a line/column pair.
marka model storing a line/column pair. If there is no selection, the mark is equal to the caret, otherwise the mark is located at the opposite end of the selection from the caret.
focused?a boolean.
preedit-starta line/column pair or f. It represents the starting point of the string being edited by an input method.
preedit-enda line/column pair or f. It represents the end point of the string being edited by an input method.
preedit-selected-starta line/column pair or f. It represents the starting point of the string being selected by an input method.
preedit-selected-enda line/column pair or f. It represents the end point of the string being selected by an input method.
preedit-selection-mode?a boolean. It means the mode of selecting convertion canditate word. The caret in an editor is not drawn if it is true.
preedit-underlinesan array or f. It stores underline attributes for its preedit area.

Slots that are prefixed with "preedit-" should not be modified directly. They are changed by the platform-dependent backend.

See also


TUPLE: editor < line-gadget
caret mark caret-shape focused? blink blink-timer
default-text preedit-start preedit-end
preedit-selected-start preedit-selected-end
preedit-selection-mode? preedit-underlines ;
