generic vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index

Generic words and methods

Authors:Slava Pestov


Tuple classes
check-method-error tupleclass generic
method-lookup-failed tupleclass generic
no-next-method tuplemethod

Predicate classes
default-method word
generic word
method word

Generic words
WordStack effect
check-combination-effect( combination effect -- )
effective-method( generic -- method )
implementor-classes( obj -- class )
make-consult-quot( consultation word quot combination -- consult-quot )
make-default-method( generic combination -- method )
next-method-quot*( class generic combination -- quot )
perform-combination( word combination -- )
update-generic( class generic -- )

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
(call-next-method)( method -- )
<default-method>( generic combination -- method )
<method>( class generic -- method )
?lookup-method( class generic -- method/f )
check-method( classoid generic -- class generic )
check-method-error( class generic -- * )
create-method( class generic -- method )
define-default-method( generic combination -- )
define-generic( word combination effect -- )
dispatch-order( generic -- seq )
lookup-method( class generic -- method )
make-generic( word -- )
method-classes( generic -- classes )
method-for-class( class generic -- method/f )
method-lookup-failed( class generic -- * )
method-word-name( class generic -- string )
method-word-props( class generic -- assoc )
nearest-class( class generic -- class/f )
next-method( class generic -- method/f )
next-method-class( class generic -- class/f )
next-method-quot( method -- quot )
no-next-method( method -- * )
remake-generic( generic -- )
remake-generics( -- )
reveal-method( method classes generic -- )
with-implementors( class generic quot -- )
with-methods( class generic quot -- )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
check-method-error?( object -- ? )
default-method?( object -- ? )
generic?( object -- ? )
method-lookup-failed?( object -- ? )
method?( object -- ? )
no-next-method?( object -- ? )


Metadata files

Children from resource:core
generic.hookHook combination used for namespace variables
generic.mathMath method combination used for arithmetic words
generic.parserUtilities for generic word and method defining parsing words
generic.singleSingle combination used for single dispatch
generic.standardStandard combination for dispatching on stack values