Vocabulary | Summary |
math | Arithmetic |
math.floats | Floating point number implementation |
math.integers | Integer implementation |
math.order | Generic protocol for totally-ordered objects |
math.parser | Converting numbers to and from strings |
math.ratios | Rational number implementation |
ranges | Virtual sequence consisting of a range of numbers |
Vocabulary | Summary |
math.bits | Virtual sequence for bits of an integer |
math.bitwise | Bitwise arithmetic utilities |
math.combinatorics | Permutations and combinations |
math.complex | Complex number implementation |
math.constants | Mathematical constants |
math.floating-point | |
math.floats.env | IEEE 754 floating-point environment querying and control (exceptions, rounding mode, and denormals) |
math.floats.half | Half-precision float support for FFI |
math.functions | Elementary complex-valued functions |
math.hashcodes | |
math.libm | Low-level binding to math functions in the C standard library |
math.matrices | Matrix arithmetic |
math.partial-dispatch | Partially-dispatched math operations, used by the compiler |
math.polynomials | Polynomial arithmetic |
math.primes | Prime numbers test and generation |
math.primes.erato | Eratosthene sieve |
math.primes.erato.fast | Eratosthene sieve (fast!) |
math.primes.factors | Prime factors decomposition |
math.primes.lucas-lehmer | |
math.primes.miller-rabin | Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test |
math.primes.safe | |
math.quaternions | Quaternion arithmetic and Euler angles |
math.rectangles | |
math.rectangles.positioning | |
math.statistics | Mean, median, standard deviation, and other statistical routines |
math.vectors | Vector arithmetic |
math.vectors.simd | Single-instruction-multiple-data parallel vector operations |
sequences.complex | Virtual sequence wrapper to convert real pairs into complex values |
sequences.complex-components | Virtual sequence wrapper to convert complex values into real value pairs |
Vocabulary | Summary |
decimals | |
math.affine-transforms | Affine transforms for two-dimensional vectors |
math.algebra | Various algebra-related words |
math.analysis | Various special functions from complex analysis |
math.approx | Approximating rational numbers. |
math.binpack | Bin-packing algorithms. |
math.blas.ffi | Low-level bindings to the Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) library |
math.blas.matrices | BLAS level 2 and 3 matrix-vector and matrix-matrix operations |
math.blas.vectors | BLAS level 1 vector operations |
math.cardinality | Cardinality estimation |
math.combinatorics.bits | Bitwise permutations |
math.combinators | |
math.compare | Comparison functions. |
math.continued-fractions | Continued fractions |
math.derivatives | |
math.distances | |
math.dual | |
math.extras | |
math.factorials | |
math.finance | Moving averages and other calculations useful for finance. |
math.function-tools | |
math.matrices.elimination | Solving systems of linear equations |
math.matrices.extras | Matrix arithmetic - extra and miscellaneous words |
math.matrices.laplace | Laplace expansion |
math.numerical-integration | Numerical integration using Simpson's method |
math.points | |
math.primes.lists | Infinite stream of prime numbers through lazy lists |
math.primes.solovay-strassen | |
math.primes.twins | |
math.quadratic | Quadratic equation solver |
math.runge-kutta | runge-kutta 4-stage implementation for n dimensions |
math.secant-method | |
math.similarity | |
math.splines | Common parametric curves |
math.transforms.bwt | Burrows-Wheeler Transform |
math.transforms.fft | Fast fourier transform |
math.transforms.haar | Haar wavelet transform |
math.unicode | |
math.vectors.homogeneous | Homogeneous coordinate math |
picomath | Implementation of picomath.org small math functions |
wolfram-alpha | Query API for Wolfram Alpha |