Vocabularies tagged "games"
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Children from resource:basis
game.inputCross-platform joystick, gamepad, and raw keyboard input
game.input.dinputDirectInput backend for game.input
game.input.gtk2Linux backend for game input.
game.input.iokitIOKit HID Manager backend for game.input
game.input.scancodesScan code constants for HID keyboards
game.input.x11Linux backend for game input.
game.input.xinputXInput backend for game.input, borrows keyboard and mouse handling from game.input.dinput

Children from resource:extra
game.debugSimple shape rendering for visual debugging.
game.input.demos.joysticksDemonstrate gamepad and joystick input
game.input.demos.key-capsGraphical keyboard diagram
game.worldsWorld class that integrates game loop and game input
hamurabiPort of the HAMURABI.BAS game
jamshredA simple 3d tunnel racing game
minesweeperMinesweeper game
numbers-gameNumber guessing game demo
raylibBindings for Raylib 4.5
rlglBindings for rlgl
roms.balloon-bomberIntel 8080-based Balloon Bomber arcade machine emulator
roms.lunar-rescueIntel 8080-based Lunar Rescue arcade machine emulator
roms.space-invadersIntel 8080-based Space Invaders arcade machine emulator
tetrisGraphical Tetris game