Vocabulary game .
input Class description The
read-controller word returns objects of this class.
controller-state objects have the following slots:
• x contains the position of the device's X axis.• y contains the position of the device's Y axis.• z contains the position of the device's Z axis, if any.• rx contains the rotational position of the device's X axis, if available.• ry contains the rotational position of the device's Y axis, if available.• rz contains the rotational position of the device's Z axis, if available.• slider contains the position of the device's throttle slider, if any.• pov contains the state of the device's POV hat, if any.• buttons contains a sequence of values indicating the state of every button on the device.
The values are formatted as follows:
• For the axis slots (x , y , z , rx , ry , rz ), a float value between -1.0 and 1.0 is returned. • For the slider slot, a value between 0.0 and 1.0 is returned. • For the pov slot, one of the following symbols is returned: • For each element of the buttons array, f indicates that the corresponding button is released. If the button is pressed, a value between 0.0 and 1.0 is returned indicating the pressure on the button (or simply 1.0 if the device's buttons are on/off only). • A value of f in any slot (besides the elements of buttons ) indicates that the corresponding element is not present on the device.
See also controller ,
read-controller Definition Methods
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