redis vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index

Words for communicating with the Redis key-value database

Authors:Bruno Deferrari, Benjamin Pollack


Tuple classes
redis tuplehost port encoding password

Symbol words

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
<redis>( -- redis )
redis-auth( password -- response )
redis-bgsave( -- )
redis-dbsize( -- response )
redis-decr( key -- response )
redis-decrby( integer key -- response )
redis-del( key -- response )
redis-do-connect( redis -- stream )
redis-exists( key -- response )
redis-expire( integer key -- response )
redis-flushall( -- )
redis-flushdb( -- )
redis-get( key -- response )
redis-getset( value key -- response )
redis-hdel( field key -- response )
redis-hexists( field key -- response )
redis-hget( field key -- response )
redis-hgetall( key -- response )
redis-hincrby( integer field key -- response )
redis-hincrbyfloat( float field key -- response )
redis-hkeys( key -- response )
redis-hlen( key -- response )
redis-hmget( seq key -- response )
redis-hmset( assoc key -- )
redis-hset( value field key -- response )
redis-hsetnx( value field key -- response )
redis-hvals( key -- response )
redis-incr( key -- response )
redis-incrby( integer key -- response )
redis-info( -- response )
redis-keys( pattern -- response )
redis-lastsave( -- response )
redis-lindex( integer key -- response )
redis-llen( key -- response )
redis-lpop( key -- response )
redis-lpush( value key -- response )
redis-lrange( start end key -- response )
redis-lrem( value amount key -- response )
redis-lset( value index key -- )
redis-ltrim( start end key -- )
redis-mget( keys -- response )
redis-monitor( -- response )
redis-move( integer key -- response )
redis-ping( -- response )
redis-quit( -- )
redis-randomkey( -- response )
redis-rename( newkey key -- response )
redis-renamenx( newkey key -- response )
redis-rpop( key -- response )
redis-rpush( value key -- response )
redis-sadd( member key -- response )
redis-save( -- )
redis-scard( key -- response )
redis-script-eval( script keys args -- result )
redis-script-evalsha( sha keys args -- result )
redis-script-exists( sequence -- sequence )
redis-script-flush( -- )
redis-script-kill( -- )
redis-script-load( script -- script )
redis-select( integer -- )
redis-set( value key -- )
redis-setnx( value key -- response )
redis-shutdown( -- )
redis-sinter( keys -- response )
redis-sinterstore( keys destkey -- response )
redis-sismember( member key -- response )
redis-smembers( key -- response )
redis-smove( member newkey key -- response )
redis-srem( member key -- response )
redis-sunion( keys -- response )
redis-sunionstore( keys destkey -- response )
redis-type( key -- response )
with-redis( redis quot -- )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
redis?( object -- ? )


Metadata files

Children from resource:extra
redis.assocAssoc protocol implementation for Redis
redis.command-writerDefinitions of messages sent to Redis
redis.response-parserParser for responses sent by the Redis server