Vocabulary | Summary |
hashtables.wrapped | Wrapped hashtables for providing alternate key equivalence |
Vocabulary | Summary |
base16 | Base16 encoding/decoding (RFC 3548) |
base24 | Base24 encoding/decoding |
base32 | Base32 encoding/decoding (RFC 3548, RFC 4648, Crockford) |
base36 | Base36 encoding/decoding |
base45 | Base45 encoding/decoding (RFC 9285) |
base58 | Base58 encoding/decoding |
base62 | Base62 encoding/decoding |
base85 | Base85 encoding/decoding (ASCII85, ADOBE85, Z85) |
base91 | Base91 encoding/decoding |
base92 | Base92 encoding/decoding |
cbor | Support for Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) |
checksums.bsd | BSD checksum algorithm |
checksums.fletcher | Fletcher's checksum algorithm |
checksums.internet | Internet (RFC 1071) checksum algorithm |
checksums.metrohash | MetroHash checksum algorithm |
checksums.murmur | MurmurHash checksum algorithm |
checksums.superfast | SuperFastHash checksum algorithm |
checksums.wyhash | wyhash checksum algorithm |
checksums.xxhash | xxHash checksum algorithm |
classes.struct | Tuple-like access to structured raw memory |
cocoa.apple-script | |
colors.cmyk | CMYK colors |
colors.hsl | HSL colors |
colors.hwb | HWB colors |
colors.lab | CIE 1976 LAB colors |
colors.lch | CIELCH colors |
colors.luv | CIE 1976 LUV colors |
colors.mix | Mixing colors together |
colors.ryb | RYB colors |
colors.xyy | CIE 1931 xyY colors |
colors.xyz | CIE 1931 XYZ colors |
colors.yiq | YIQ colors |
colors.yuv | YUV colors |
cuckoo-filters | Cuckoo filters |
editors.bbedit | BBEdit editor integration |
editors.bluefish | Bluefish editor integration |
editors.chime | Chime editor integration |
editors.coteditor | CotEditor integration |
editors.cudatext | CudeText editor integration |
editors.espresso | Espresso editor integration |
editors.focus | Focus editor integration |
editors.kate | Kate editor integration |
editors.lapce | Lapce editor integration |
editors.lite-xl | Lite XL editor integration |
editors.macvim | MacVim editor integration |
editors.nova | Nova editor integration |
editors.pulsar | Pulsar editor integration |
editors.smultron | Smultron editor integration |
editors.subethaedit | SubEthaEdit editor integration |
editors.textedit | TextEdit editor integration |
editors.xcode | Xcode editor integration |
editors.zed | Zed editor integration |
english | English language |
escape-strings | |
etc-hosts | Parsing the /etc/hosts file |
formatting | Format data according to a specified format string |
hash-sets.identity | |
hash-sets.numbers | |
hash-sets.sequences | |
hash-sets.wrapped | |
hashtables.numbers | |
hashtables.sequences | |
help.search | Search within help articles |
ini-file | Parses INI configuration files. |
io.sockets.icmp | Support for ICMP. |
ip-parser | Parsing IPv4 and IPv6 addresses |
linked-sets | Sets that yield items in insertion order |
math.primes.erato.fast | Eratosthene sieve (fast!) |
msgpack | Support for msgpack protocol. |
named-tuples | Use tuples like both sequences and assocs |
ntp | Client for NTP protocol |
sequences.padded | Virtual "padded" sequences |
system-info.macos | |
toml | Parsers for Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language (TOML). |
tools.ps.macos | |
tools.which | |
uu | Support for uuencoding and uudecoding. |
uuid | Generates UUID's. |
webbrowser | Open URLs in your web browser |
xdg | XDG Base Directory Specification |
xmode.highlight | Syntax highlighting tool |
Vocabulary | Summary |
anagrams | |
backticks | Backtick process syntax |
bare | BARE (https://baremessages.org) encoding/decoding. |
bech32 | Bech32 encoding/decoding |
bencode | Support for bencoding. |
bend | Factor port of Bend language features |
binhex | Encoding and decoding of BinHex 4.0 files |
bitly | Wrapper for bit.ly URL shortening web service |
bittorrent | BitTorent protocol for peer-to-peer file sharing. |
brainfuck | Brainfuck programming language. |
calendar.ranges | |
cgi | Support using Factor in CGI scripts |
checksums.khash | |
color-picker-game | Color picker game |
colors.distances | Color distance (or Color difference) |
colors.flex-hex | "Flex hex" colors |
command-line.parser | Parsing command-line arguments |
command-loop | Generic line-oriented command interpreter. |
containers | |
countries | Country-specific codes including ISO 3166-1 |
crontab | Parser for crontab files |
cuesheet | Parsing cue sheet (cue files) |
curl | Bindings to libcurl |
dbf | Parsers for various dBase database files |
dice | Random dice rolls (with modifiers) |
did-you-mean | |
drunken-bishop | Drunken bishop visual checksum algorithm |
echo-server | |
emojify | |
enigma | Enigma cipher machine |
fftw | Bindings to FFTW3. |
file-monitor | Command-line file change monitor |
file-picker | |
file-picker.linux | |
file-picker.macos | |
file-picker.windows | |
file-server | Command-line HTTP file server |
flamegraph | |
flip-text | Turns text upside-down. |
game-of-life | Conway's Game of Life |
gemini | Gemini client |
gemini.cli | |
gemini.server | Gemini server |
gemini.ui | |
geohash | Geohash geocoding system. |
gitignore | Implements .gitignore parser |
google.charts | Google Chart API |
google.search | Google Search API |
gopher | Gopher client |
gopher.server | Gopher server |
gopher.ui | |
gravatar | Wrapper for the Gravatar service. |
hamurabi | Port of the HAMURABI.BAS game |
help.pdf | |
hipku | Encoding IPv4/IPV6 addresses as haiku |
html.entities | |
ifaddrs | |
io.files.trash | Send files to the trash bin. |
io.streams.256color | xterm-256color implementation of formatted stream protocol |
io.streams.ansi | Formatted stream protocol for terminals that support ANSI+AIXterm color |
io.streams.tee | |
leb128 | LEB128 (Little Endian Base 128) encoding support |
literate | Literate programming techniques |
locals.lazy | Lazy lexical variables |
long-urls | Expand short urls. |
lru-cache | Least Recently Used (LRU) cache |
magic | libmagic binding |
markov-chains | Markov chain processes. |
math.approx | Approximating rational numbers. |
math.binpack | Bin-packing algorithms. |
math.cardinality | Cardinality estimation |
math.combinatorics.bits | Bitwise permutations |
math.compare | Comparison functions. |
math.distances | |
math.factorials | |
math.finance | Moving averages and other calculations useful for finance. |
math.primes.solovay-strassen | |
math.similarity | |
math.statistics.running | Running statistical routines |
math.transforms.bwt | Burrows-Wheeler Transform |
math.transforms.fft | Fast fourier transform |
memcached | Provides access to memcached, a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. |
metar | METAR and TAF weather parsers |
midi | Reading and writing MIDI files |
minesweeper | Minesweeper game |
openai | OpenAI API |
pcre2 | libpcre2 binding |
Creating PDF files | |
periodic-table | Periodic table gadget demo |
picomath | Implementation of picomath.org small math functions |
ping | Uses ICMP to test the reachability of a network host. |
proquint | Proquint encoding/decoding |
punycode | Punycode and Internationalized Domain Names |
random.c | LIBC random generator |
random.rdrand | RDRAND random generator |
random.xorshift | |
Reddit API | |
robohash | Robohash! |
sequences.frozen | Virtual "frozen" sequences |
sequences.interleaved | Interleaved sequences |
sequences.prefixed | |
sequences.rotated | Rotated virtual sequences |
sequences.shifted | Shifted virtual sequences |
sequences.snipped | Snipped virtual sequences |
sequences.suffixed | |
sequences.zipped | Virtual "zip" sequences |
shapefiles | Parsers for ESRI Shapefiles |
sorting.bubble | Bubblesort |
sorting.heap | Heapsort |
sorting.quick | Quicksort |
spelling | Peter Norvig's spelling corrector |
stomp | STOMP (Simple Text Oriented Messaging Protocol) client library |
successor | |
syslog | Syslog protocol |
terminal | |
terminfo | Reads terminfo database files |
text-analysis | Perform analysis on English text. |
text-to-pdf | Text-to-PDF converter. |
text-to-speech | Text-to-speech utility |
tinyvg | Parsers for the TinyVG image format |
tldr | tldr pages (simplified and community-driven man pages) |
tnetstrings | Reader and writer for "tagged netstrings" |
tokencase | |
tools.cal | |
tools.cat | |
tools.copy | |
tools.echo | |
tools.highlight | Command-line syntax highlighting tool |
tools.move | |
tools.random | Command-line random generator tool |
tools.seq | |
tools.tree | |
tools.uniq | |
tools.wc | |
tty-server.shared | Connect to a *shared* Factor listener through telnet |
txon | TXON (http://www.hxa.name/txon/) reader and writer |
tzinfo | Parsing timezone files. |
unicode.flags | Unicode country flags |
verbal-expressions | Human-readable regular expressions |
vin | VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) |
visionect | Visionect Server Management API |
wake-on-lan | Wake-on-LAN support |
wikipedia | Wikipedia |
wolfram-alpha | Query API for Wolfram Alpha |
xkcd | Comics from the http://xkcd.com website |
yenc | Encoding and decoding of the yEnc format |
youtube | Wrapper for YouTube.com API. |
zeromq | Bindings to 0MQ (zeromq). |
zim | Parsers for the ZIM file format |
zim.builder | Writers for the ZIM file format |
zim.server | HTTP Server for ZIM files |
zim.tools |