VocabularygraphvizInputsOutputsWord descriptionConstructs an
edge with the given
tail and
head, each of which must be either:
• | an array of objects supported by the present word, which is treated as an anonymous subgraph of nodes with corresponding ids; |
• | a subgraph; or |
• | any object supported by the present word, which is taken to be the id of a node. |
NotesThere is more detailed information about how different
tail and
head types interact in the documentation for
ExamplesUSING: accessors graphviz kernel prettyprint ;
1 "one" <edge>
[ tail>> . ] [ head>> . ] bi
USING: accessors classes graphviz kernel prettyprint strings ;
1 { 2 3 4 } <edge>
[ tail>> class-of . ] [ head>> class-of . ] bi
USING: accessors graphviz kernel prettyprint ;
<anon> <anon> <edge>
[ tail>> id>> ] [ head>> id>> ] bi = .
See alsoedgeDefinition