VocabularyraylibClass descriptionHolds the vertex data and VAO/VBO for a 3D mesh.
FieldsvertexCount | int | Number of vertices stored in arrays |
triangleCount | int | Number of triangles stored (indexed or not) |
_vertices | float* | Vertex position (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) |
_texcoords | float* | Vertex texture coordinates (UV - 2 components per vertex) |
_texcoords2 | float* | Vertex second texture coordinates (useful for lightmaps) |
_normals | float* | Vertex normals (XYZ - 3 components per vertex) |
tangents | float* | Vertex tangents (XYZW - 4 components per vertex) |
colors | uchar* | Vertex colors (RGBA - 4 components per vertex) |
indices | ushort* | Vertex indices (in case vertex data comes indexed) |
animVertices | float* | Animated vertex positions (after bones transformations) |
animNormals | float* | Animated normals (after bones transformation) |
boneIds | uchar* | Vertex bone ids, max 255 bone ids, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skining) |
boneWeights | float* | Vertex bone weight, up to 4 bones influence by vertex (skinning) |
vaoId | uint | OpenGL Vertex Array Object id |
vboId | uint* | OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects id (7 types of vertex data) |