sequences.private vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index




Tuple classes
copier tuplesrc-i src dst-i dst
integer-length-expected tupleobj

Predicate classes
array-capacity fixnum
integer-array-capacity integer

Generic words
WordStack effect
nth-unsafe( n seq -- elt )
resize( n seq -- newseq )
set-nth-unsafe( elt n seq -- )

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
(1sequence)( obj seq -- seq )
(2sequence)( obj1 obj2 seq -- seq )
(3sequence)( obj1 obj2 obj3 seq -- seq )
(4sequence)( obj1 obj2 obj3 obj4 seq -- seq )
(accumulate)( seq identity quot -- identity seq quot' )
(accumulate*)( seq identity quot -- identity seq quot' )
(append)( seq1 seq2 accum -- accum )
(binary-reduce)( seq start quot: ( elt1 elt2 -- newelt ) from length -- value )
(copy)( n copy -- dst )
(map-find)( seq quot find-quot -- result elt )
(selector-as)( quot length exemplar -- selector accum )
(trim-head)( seq quot -- seq n )
(trim-tail)( seq quot -- seq n )
2length-iterator( seq1 seq2 -- n quot )
2length-operator( seq1 seq2 quot -- n quot' )
2nth-unsafe( n seq1 seq2 -- elt1 elt2 )
3length-iterator( seq1 seq2 seq3 -- n quot )
3length-operator( seq1 seq2 seq3 quot -- n quot' )
3nth-unsafe( n seq1 seq2 seq3 -- elt1 elt2 elt3 )
<copier>( src-i src dst-i dst -- copier )
<slice-unsafe>( from to seq -- slice )
>sequence<( seq -- i n seq )
>underlying<( slice/seq -- from to slice/seq )
array-flip( matrix -- newmatrix )
array-nth( n array -- elt )
bounds-check-call( n seq quot -- obj1 obj2 )
bounds-check-head( n seq -- n seq )
change-nth-unsafe( i seq quot -- )
check-length( n -- n )
collect( n quot into -- )
collect-from( i n quot into -- )
collect-into( quot into -- quot' )
copy-loop( dst dst-i src src-i src-stop -- dst )
copy-nth-of-unsafe( dst dst-i src src-i -- )
copy-nth-unsafe( n copy -- )
copy-unsafe( src i dst -- )
dispatch( n array -- )
do-find-from( ... n seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... ? ) -- ... i/f seq )
element/index( i/f seq -- elt/f i/f )
exchange-unsafe( m n seq -- )
filter-from!( store from seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... ? ) -- seq )
find-last-from-unsafe( ... n seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... ? ) -- ... i/f seq )
first-unsafe( seq -- first )
first2-unsafe( seq -- first second )
first3-unsafe( seq -- first second third )
first4-unsafe( seq -- first second third fourth )
fourth-unsafe( seq -- fourth )
generic-flip( matrix -- newmatrix )
head-to-index( seq to -- zero to seq )
index-to-tail( seq from -- from length seq )
index/element( i/f seq -- i/f elt/f )
integer-length-expected( obj -- * )
joined-length( seq glue -- n )
last-unsafe( seq -- elt )
length-iterator( seq -- n quot' )
length-operator( seq quot -- n quot' )
length-sequence( seq -- n seq )
map-into( seq quot into -- )
mismatch-unsafe( n seq1 seq2 -- i )
move-backward( shift from to seq -- )
move-unsafe( to from seq -- )
move-unsafe*( to from seq -- from-nth )
nth-of-unsafe( seq n -- elt )
nth2-unsafe( n seq -- a b )
nth3-unsafe( n seq -- a b c )
nths-unsafe( indices seq -- seq' )
open-slice( shift from seq -- )
padding( ... seq n elt quot: ( ... seq1 seq2 -- ... newseq ) -- ... newseq )
second-unsafe( seq -- second )
select-by( ... seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... x ) compare: ( obj1 obj2 -- ? ) -- ... elt )
sequence-hashcode-step( oldhash newpart -- newhash )
sequence-index-operator( seq quot -- n quot' )
sequence-operator( seq quot -- i n quot' )
set-array-nth( elt n array -- )
set-nth-of-unsafe( seq n elt -- seq )
subseq-unsafe( from to seq -- subseq )
subseq-unsafe-as( from to seq exemplar -- subseq )
subseq>copy( from to seq -- n copy )
third-unsafe( seq -- third )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
array-capacity?( object -- ? )
copier?( object -- ? )
integer-array-capacity?( object -- ? )
integer-length-expected?( object -- ? )
