modern.slices vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index




Tuple classes
expected-sequence-error tupleexpected actual
subseq-expected-but-got-eof tuplen string expected
take-slice-error tuplen string count
unexpected-end tuplen string

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
(slice-until)( n string quot -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
>strings( seq -- str )
accept1( n string quot: ( ch -- ? ) -- n/n' string ch/f )
check-sequence( expected actual -- actual/* )
check-sequence-insensitive( expected actual -- actual/* )
check-slice?( from to seq -- from to seq ? )
empty-slice-end( seq -- slice )
expect-and-span( n string slice expected-string -- n' string slice' )
expect-and-span-insensitive( n string slice expected-string -- n' string slice' )
expected-sequence-error( expected actual -- * )
find-from*( ... n seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... ? ) -- ... i/f elt ? )
matching-delimiter( ch -- ch' )
matching-delimiter-string( string -- string' )
matching-section-delimiter( string -- string' )
merge-slice-til-whitespace( n/f string slice -- n'/f string slice' )
modify-from( slice n -- slice' )
modify-to( slice n -- slice' )
nth-check-eof( n string -- nth )
peek-from( n/f string m -- string )
peek1-from( n/f string -- ch )
previous-from( n/f string -- ch )
read-closing( n string tok -- n' string tok )
rewind-slice( n string slice -- n' string )
skip-blank-from( n string -- n' string )
skip-til-eol-from( n string -- n' string )
skip-whitespace( n/f string -- n'/f string )
slice-before( slice -- slice' )
slice-between( slice1 slice2 -- slice )
slice-til-either( n string tokens -- n'/f string slice/f ch/f )
slice-til-eol( n string -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
slice-til-not-whitespace( n string -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
slice-til-separator-exclusive( n string tokens -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
slice-til-separator-inclusive( n string tokens -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
slice-til-string( n string search -- n' string payload end-string )
slice-til-whitespace( n string -- n' string slice/f ch/f )
slice-until( n string quot -- n' string slice/f )
split-slice-back( slice n -- slice1 slice2 )
subseq-expected-but-got-eof( n string expected -- * )
take-char( n/f string -- n'/f string ch/f )
take-from-insensitive?( n seq str -- n'/f seq ? )
take-from?( n seq subseq -- n'/f seq ? )
take-slice( n string count -- n'/f string slice )
take-slice-error( n string count -- * )
unexpected-end( n string -- * )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
expected-sequence-error?( object -- ? )
subseq-expected-but-got-eof?( object -- ? )
take-slice-error?( object -- ? )
unexpected-end?( object -- ? )
