Vocabulary | Summary |
cpu.ppc | 32-bit and 64-bit PowerPC compiler backends |
game.input.gtk2 | Linux backend for game input. |
game.input.x11 | Linux backend for game input. |
game.input.xinput | XInput backend for game.input, borrows keyboard and mouse handling from game.input.dinput |
windows.ddk.hid | Bindings to the HID section of the Windows DDK |
windows.ddk.setupapi | Bindings to the SetupAPI section of the Windows DDK. |
windows.ddk.winusb | Bindings to the USB section of the Windows DDK. |
windows.directx.audiodefs | DirectX audio bindings. Corresponds to audiodefs.h. |
windows.directx.d2d1 | Direct2D bindings. Corresponds to d2d1.h. |
windows.directx.d2dbasetypes | Direct2D bindings. Corresponds to d2dbasetypes.h. |
windows.directx.d2derr | Direct2D bindings. Corresponds to d2derr.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10 | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to D3D10.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10_1 | Direct3D 10.1 bindings. Corresponds to d3d10_1.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10_1shader | Direct3D 10.1 bindings. Corresponds to d3d10_1shader.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10effect | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3d10effect.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10misc | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3d10misc.h. |
windows.directx.d3d10shader | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to D3D10shader.h. |
windows.directx.d3d11 | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to D3D11.h. |
windows.directx.d3d11shader | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to D3D11Shader.h. |
windows.directx.d3d9 | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3d9.h. |
windows.directx.d3d9caps | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3d9caps.h. |
windows.directx.d3d9types | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3d9types.h. |
windows.directx.d3dcommon | Common constants. Corresponds to d3dcommon.h. |
windows.directx.d3dcompiler | Shader compiler bindings. Corresponds to d3dcompiler.h. |
windows.directx.d3dcsx | DirectCompute bindings. Corresponds to d3dcsx.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10 | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10async | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10async.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10core | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10core.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10math | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10math.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10mesh | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10mesh.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx10tex | Direct3D 10 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx10tex.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx11 | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx11.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx11async | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx11async.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx11core | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx11core.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx11tex | Direct3D 11 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx11tex.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9 | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9anim | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9anim.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9core | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9core.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9effect | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9effect.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9math | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9math.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9mesh | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9mesh.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9shader | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9shader.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9shape | DirectX 9 bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9shape.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9tex | DirectX 9 texture library bindings. Corresponds to d3dx9tex.h. |
windows.directx.d3dx9xof | File library bindings for DirectX. Corresponds to d3dx9xof.h. |
windows.directx.dcommon | Common DirectX constants. Corresponds to dcommon.h. |
windows.directx.dwrite | Bindings to DirectWrite text rendering. Corresponds to dwrite.h. |
windows.directx.dxfile | Bindings to DirectX file abstraction. Corresponds to dxfile.h. |
windows.directx.dxgi | Bindings to the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure. Corresponds to DXGI.h. |
windows.directx.dxgiformat | Bindings to the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure. Corresponds to DXGIFormat.h. |
windows.directx.dxgitype | Bindings to the DirectX Graphics Infrastructure. Corresponds to DXGIType.h. |
windows.directx.x3daudio | X3DAudio bindings. Corresponds to x3daudio.h. |
windows.directx.xact3 | XACT3 bindings. Corresponds to xact3.h. |
windows.directx.xapo | XAPO bindings. Corresponds to xapo.h. |
windows.directx.xapofx | XAPOFX bindings. Corresponds to xapofx.h. |
windows.directx.xaudio2 | XAudio2 bindings. Corresponds to xaudio2.h. |
windows.directx.xaudio2fx | Constants and types for XAudio2. Corresponds to xaudio2fx.h. |
windows.directx.xinput | XInput bindings for using the Xbox 360 controller. Corresponds to XInput.h. |
Vocabulary | Summary |
chipmunk.demo | Demonstration of Chipmunk library bindings. |
dwarf | |
elf | Constants and structs related to the ELF object format. |
elf.nm | UNIX nm-like utility. |
fluids | |
game.debug | Simple shape rendering for visual debugging. |
game.models.collada | Conversion of COLLADA geometry assets to OpenGL vertex and index buffers |
gpu.effects.blur | Blur effects for textures. |
gpu.effects.step | Render a quad with a step texture. |
images.pbm | Image loading for PBM image files. |
images.pgm | Image loading for PGM image files. |
images.ppm | Image loading for PPM image files. |
images.tga | |
libusb | Bindings to libusb |
lua | FFI bindings to the Lua programming language. |
macho | Constants and structs related to the Mach object format. |
math.splines | Common parametric curves |
math.splines.testing | |
math.splines.viewer | |
opencl | High-level vocabulary for using OpenCL |
opencl.ffi | Bindings to OpenCL |
opencl.syntax | |
readline | libreadline bindings |
readline-listener | A listener that uses libreadline. |