Vocabulary hierarchy tools
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These tools operate on all vocabularies found in the current set of vocab-roots, loaded or not. A prefix is the first part of a vocabulary name.

Loading vocabulary hierarchies:
load ( prefix -- )

load-all ( -- )

load-root ( root -- )

load-from-root ( root prefix -- )

Getting all vocabularies from disk:
all-disk-vocabs-by-root ( -- assoc )

all-disk-vocabs-recursive ( -- assoc )

Getting all vocabularies from disk whose names which match a string prefix:
disk-vocabs-for-prefix ( prefix -- assoc )

disk-vocabs-recursive-for-prefix ( prefix -- assoc )

Words for modifying output:
no-roots ( assoc -- seq )

no-prefixes ( seq -- seq' )

filter-vocabs ( assoc -- seq )

Getting Vocabulary metadata for all vocabularies from disk:
all-tags ( -- seq )

all-authors ( -- seq )