Command line switches for bootstrap
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A number of command line switches can be passed to a bootstrap image to modify the behavior of the resulting image:
-output-image=imageSave the result to image. The default is factor.image.
-no-user-initInhibits the running of user initialization files on startup. See Running code on startup.
-include=components...A list of components to include (see below).
-exclude=components...A list of components to exclude.
-ui-backend=backendOne of x11, windows, or cocoa. The default is platform-specific.

Bootstrap can load various optional components:
mathRational and complex number support.
threadsThread support.
compilerThe compiler.
toolsTerminal-based developer tools.
helpThe help system.
handbookThe help handbook.
uiThe graphical user interface.
ui.toolsGraphical developer tools.
ioNon-blocking I/O and networking.

By default, all optional components are loaded. To load all optional components except for a given list, use the -exclude= switch; to only load specified optional components, use the -include=.

For example, to build an image with the compiler but no other components, you could do:
./factor -i=boot.unix-x86.64.image -include=compiler

To build an image with everything except for the user interface and graphical tools,
./factor -i=boot.unix-x86.64.image -exclude="ui"

To generate a bootstrap image in the first place, see Bootstrapping new images.