calendar vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index


Authors:Doug Coleman


Tuple classes
duration tupleyear month day hour minute second
not-in-interval tuplevalue interval
timestamp tupleyear month day hour minute second gmt-offset

Generic words
WordStack effect
april( obj -- timestamp' )
august( obj -- timestamp' )
days-in-year( obj -- n )
december( obj -- timestamp' )
easter( obj -- obj' )
february( obj -- timestamp' )
first-day-of-year( object -- timestamp )
gmt-offset( -- hours minutes seconds )
january( obj -- timestamp' )
july( obj -- timestamp' )
june( obj -- timestamp' )
last-day-of-year( object -- timestamp )
leap-year?( obj -- ? )
march( obj -- timestamp' )
may( obj -- timestamp' )
november( obj -- timestamp' )
now-gmt( -- timestamp )
october( obj -- timestamp' )
september( obj -- timestamp' )
time+( time1 time2 -- time3 )
time-( time1 time2 -- time3 )
weeks-in-week-year( obj -- n )

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
(day-of-week)( year month day -- n )
(day-of-year)( $year $month $day -- n )
(days-in-month)( year month -- n )
(week-number)( timestamp -- [0,53] )
<date-gmt>( year month day -- timestamp )
<date-utc>( year month day -- timestamp )
<date>( year month day -- timestamp )
<duration>( year month day hour minute second -- duration )
<timestamp>( $year $month $day $hour $minute $second $gmt-offset -- timestamp )
<year-gmt>( year -- timestamp )
<year-utc>( year -- timestamp )
<year>( year -- timestamp )
>date<( timestamp -- year month day )
>gmt( timestamp -- timestamp' )
>local-time( timestamp -- timestamp' )
>time<( timestamp -- hour minute second )
>timezone( timestamp duration -- timestamp' )
>utc( timestamp -- timestamp' )
ages( x -- duration )
ago( duration -- timestamp )
am( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
april?( timestamp -- ? )
august?( timestamp -- ? )
average-month( -- value )
before( duration -- -duration )
bienniums( x -- duration )
centuries( x -- duration )
check-interval( value interval -- value )
closest-friday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-monday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-saturday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-sunday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-thursday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-tuesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
closest-wednesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
convert-gmt( timestamp -- timestamp )
convert-local-time( timestamp -- timestamp )
convert-timezone( timestamp duration -- timestamp )
convert-utc( timestamp -- timestamp )
day-of-week( timestamp -- n )
day-of-year( timestamp -- n )
day<( timestamp quot -- timestamp' )
day<=( timestamp quot -- timestamp' )
day>( timestamp quot -- timestamp' )
day>=( timestamp quot -- timestamp' )
days( x -- duration )
days-in-month( timestamp -- n )
days-per-year( -- value )
days-since( time -- n )
days-until( time -- n )
decades( x -- duration )
december?( timestamp -- ? )
duration*( obj1 obj2 -- obj3 )
duration+( duration1 duration2 -- duration3 )
duration-( duration1 duration2 -- duration3 )
duration>days( duration -- x )
duration>hours( duration -- x )
duration>microseconds( duration -- x )
duration>milliseconds( duration -- x )
duration>minutes( duration -- x )
duration>months( duration -- x )
duration>nanoseconds( duration -- x )
duration>seconds( duration -- x )
duration>years( duration -- x )
easter-month-day( $year -- month day )
end-of-century( object -- timestamp )
end-of-day( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-decade( object -- timestamp )
end-of-hour( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-millennium( object -- timestamp )
end-of-minute( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-quarter( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-second( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-week( timestamp -- timestamp' )
end-of-year( object -- timestamp )
eons( x -- duration )
epochs( x -- duration )
eras( x -- duration )
ereyesterday( -- timestamp )
february?( timestamp -- ? )
first-day-of-century( object -- timestamp' )
first-day-of-decade( object -- timestamp' )
first-day-of-millennium( object -- timestamp' )
first-day-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
first-day-of-week( timestamp -- timestamp' )
fortnight( x -- duration )
friday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
friday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
friday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
friday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
friday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
friday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
friday?( timestamp -- ? )
giga-annum( x -- duration )
gmt( timestamp -- timestamp )
gmt-offset-duration( -- duration )
hence( duration -- timestamp )
hours( x -- duration )
hours-per-year( -- value )
indictions( x -- duration )
instant( -- duration )
january?( timestamp -- ? )
jubilees( x -- duration )
julian-day-number( $year $month $day -- n )
julian-day-number>date( $n -- year month day )
july?( timestamp -- ? )
june?( timestamp -- ? )
kila-annum( x -- duration )
last-day-of-century( object -- timestamp' )
last-day-of-decade( object -- timestamp' )
last-day-of-millennium( object -- timestamp' )
last-day-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-day-of-week( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-friday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-friday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-monday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-monday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-saturday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-saturday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-sunday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-sunday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-thursday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-thursday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-tuesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-tuesday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-wednesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
last-wednesday-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
local-time( timestamp -- timestamp )
lustrums( x -- duration )
march?( timestamp -- ? )
may?( timestamp -- ? )
mega-annum( x -- duration )
micros>timestamp( x -- timestamp )
microseconds( x -- duration )
midnight( timestamp -- timestamp' )
millennia( x -- duration )
millenniums( x -- duration )
millis>timestamp( x -- timestamp )
milliseconds( x -- duration )
minutes( x -- duration )
minutes-per-year( -- value )
monday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
monday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
monday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
monday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
monday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
monday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
monday?( timestamp -- ? )
months( x -- duration )
months-per-year( -- value )
nanoseconds( x -- duration )
next-friday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-monday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-saturday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-sunday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-thursday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-tuesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
next-wednesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
noon( timestamp -- timestamp' )
not-in-interval( value interval -- * )
november?( timestamp -- ? )
novenniums( x -- duration )
now( -- timestamp )
now-utc( -- timestamp )
o'clock( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
octenniums( x -- duration )
october?( timestamp -- ? )
overmorrow( -- timestamp )
pm( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
quadrenniums( x -- duration )
quarter( timestamp -- [1,4] )
quinquenniums( x -- duration )
same-day-of-year?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-day?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-hour?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-minute?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-month?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-or-next-business-day( timestamp -- timestamp' )
same-or-previous-business-day( timestamp -- timestamp' )
same-quarter?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-second?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-week?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
same-year?( ts1 ts2 -- ? )
saturday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
saturday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
saturday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
saturday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
saturday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
saturday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
saturday?( timestamp -- ? )
score( x -- duration )
seconds( x -- duration )
seconds-per-year( -- value )
september?( timestamp -- ? )
septenniums( x -- duration )
set-date( timestamp year month day -- timestamp )
set-time( timestamp hour minute second -- timestamp )
sexenniums( x -- duration )
since-1970( duration -- timestamp )
solar-noon( timestamp longitude -- new-timestamp )
start-of-day( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-decade( object -- timestamp )
start-of-hour( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-millennium( object -- timestamp )
start-of-minute( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-month( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-quarter( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-second( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-week( timestamp -- timestamp' )
start-of-year( object -- timestamp )
sunday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
sunday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
sunday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
sunday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
sunday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
sunday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
sunday?( timestamp -- ? )
sunrise( timestamp latitude longitude -- new-timestamp )
sunset( timestamp latitude longitude -- new-timestamp )
thursday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
thursday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
thursday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
thursday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
thursday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
thursday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
thursday?( timestamp -- ? )
time-since-midnight( timestamp -- duration )
timestamp>micros( timestamp -- n )
timestamp>millis( timestamp -- n )
timestamp>unix-time( timestamp -- seconds )
timestamp>year-dates-gmt( timestamp -- seq )
today( -- timestamp )
today?( timestamp -- ? )
tomorrow( -- timestamp )
tomorrow?( timestamp -- ? )
trienniums( x -- duration )
tuesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
tuesday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
tuesday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
tuesday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
tuesday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
tuesday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
tuesday?( timestamp -- ? )
unix-1970( -- timestamp )
unix-time>timestamp( seconds -- timestamp )
utc( timestamp -- timestamp )
utc-offset( -- hours minutes seconds )
wednesday( timestamp -- timestamp' )
wednesday-of-month( timestamp n -- timestamp' )
wednesday<( timestamp -- timestamp' )
wednesday<=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
wednesday>( timestamp -- timestamp' )
wednesday>=( timestamp -- timestamp' )
wednesday?( timestamp -- ? )
week-number( timestamp -- [1,53] )
weekday?( timestamp -- ? )
weekdays-between( date1 date2 -- n )
weekend?( timestamp -- ? )
weeks( x -- duration )
year-ordinal>timestamp( year ordinal -- timestamp )
years( x -- duration )
yesterday( -- timestamp )
yesterday?( timestamp -- ? )
ymd>ordinal( year month day -- ordinal )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
duration?( object -- ? )
not-in-interval?( object -- ? )
timestamp?( object -- ? )


Metadata files

Children from resource:basis
calendar.englishEnglish names for time concepts
calendar.formatFormatting dates and times
calendar.parserParsing dates and times
calendar.unixUnix-specific timezone support and C library time data types
calendar.windowsWindows-specific timezone support

Children from resource:extra