Vocabulary | Summary |
classes.error | Error classes |
classes.maybe | Maybe classes |
classes.singleton | Singleton classes |
destructors | Object destructors |
generalizations | Generalized stack shufflers and combinators to arbitrary numbers of inputs |
io.pathnames | Pathname manipulation |
ranges | Virtual sequence consisting of a range of numbers |
sets | Set-theoretic operations on sequences |
Vocabulary | Summary |
alien.endian | |
alien.parser | Utilities used in implementation of alien parsing words |
alien.utilities | |
base64 | Base64 encoding/decoding (RFC 3548) |
bitstreams | Reading sequences of bits from a byte stream |
cairo | Cairo graphics library binding |
calendar | Operations on timestamps and durations |
calendar.unix | Unix-specific timezone support and C library time data types |
calendar.windows | Windows-specific timezone support |
checksums.adler-32 | Adler-32 checksum algorithm |
checksums.common | Some code shared by MD5, SHA1 and SHA2 implementations |
checksums.hmac | |
checksums.interleave | |
checksums.md5 | MD5 checksum algorithm |
checksums.sha | SHA checksum algorithms |
cocoa.statusbar | NSStatusBar utilities |
combinators.smart | Combinators which infer arities |
compiler.cfg.branch-splitting | |
compression.lzw | LZW compression and decompression |
compression.snappy | |
compression.snappy.ffi | |
compression.zlib | Wrapper ZLIB compression library |
compression.zlib.ffi | Low-level FFI bindings to ZLIB compression library |
compression.zstd | |
compression.zstd.ffi | |
core-foundation.fonts | |
core-foundation.launch-services | |
cpu.arm | |
cpu.arm.32 | |
cpu.arm.64.assembler | |
cpu.arm.64.assembler.opcodes | |
crypto.xor | |
db | Relational database abstraction layer |
db.postgresql | PostgreSQL database connector |
db.postgresql.errors | |
db.sqlite | SQLite database connector |
db.sqlite.errors | |
db.tester | |
dlists | Double-linked lists/deques |
dlists.prettyprint | |
dns | |
dns.unix | |
dns.windows | |
editors.10x | |
editors.atom | Atom editor integration |
editors.cursor | |
editors.editpadlite | EditPadLite editor integration |
editors.emacs | Emacs editor integration |
editors.emacs.windows | implementation of find-emacsclient on Windows |
editors.emeditor | EmEditor integration |
editors.geany | Geany editor integration |
editors.gedit | gedit integration |
editors.gvim | gVim editor integration |
editors.notepad | Notepad editor integration |
editors.notepad++ | Notepad++ editor integration |
editors.notepadnext | NotepadNext editor integration |
editors.rider | |
editors.sublime | Sublime Text editor integration |
editors.ted-notepad | TED Notepad integration |
editors.textpad | TextPad editor integration |
editors.ui | |
editors.ultraedit | UltraEdit editor integration |
editors.vim | Vim editor integration |
editors.visual-studio-code-exploration | Visual Studio Code Exploration editor integration |
editors.visual-studio-code-insiders | Visual Studio Code Insiders editor integration |
editors.visual-studio-codium | VSCodium editor integration |
editors.wordpad | Wordpad editor integration |
endian | Utilities for working with big-endian and little-endian data |
environment | Environment variables |
environment.unix | Unix environment variables implementation |
environment.unix.macos | macOS environment variables implementation |
environment.windows | Windows environment variables implementation |
escape-strings | |
escape-strings.ui | |
farkup | Simple markup language for generating HTML |
fixups | |
ftp.client | FTP client |
ftp.client.listing-parser | |
furnace.recaptcha | Recaptcha library |
furnace.recaptcha.example | |
furnace.sessions | Session management |
heaps | Maxheap and minheap implementations of priority queues |
hex-strings | |
http.download | |
http.websockets | |
images | Bitmap images |
images.loader | Loading bitmap images from files |
images.normalization | |
interpolate | Interpolating variable values into strings |
io.backend.windows | Microsoft Windows native I/O implementation |
io.directories | Listing directories, moving, copying and deleting files |
io.files.info | File and file system metadata |
io.files.links | Working with symbolic links |
io.launcher | Launching operating system processes |
io.launcher.windows | |
io.mmap | Memory-mapped files |
io.mmap.windows | |
io.monitors.windows | |
io.sockets.unix.linux | |
io.sockets.windows | |
io.standard-paths | |
io.standard-paths.macos | |
io.standard-paths.unix | |
io.streams.throwing | |
json.prettyprint | |
linux.input-events | |
linux.input-events.ffi | |
math.bitwise | Bitwise arithmetic utilities |
math.combinatorics | Permutations and combinations |
math.floating-point | |
math.matrices | Matrix arithmetic |
math.polynomials | Polynomial arithmetic |
math.primes.lucas-lehmer | |
math.primes.miller-rabin | Miller-Rabin probabilistic primality test |
math.primes.pollard-rho-brent | |
math.primes.safe | |
math.statistics | Mean, median, standard deviation, and other statistical routines |
mime.multipart | MIME multipart parser |
nmake | Generalization of make for constructing several sequences simultaneously |
pack | Packing and unpacking binary data |
protocols | |
quoting | |
random | Random number generator protocol and implementations |
random.data | |
random.mersenne-twister | Mersenne Twister random number generator |
random.sfmt | |
regexp | Regular expressions |
reservoir-sampling | |
resolv-conf | |
retries | |
roman | Roman numerals library |
sequences.deep | Sequence/tree combinators like deep-map, deep-each, etc |
shuffle | Additional shuffle words |
slots.syntax | |
smtp | Sending mail via SMTP |
sorting.functor | |
sorting.human | Correct sorting of sequences of strings with embedded numbers |
sorting.specification | Sorting by multiple keys |
sorting.title | |
splitting.monotonic | Split a sequence into monotonically-increasing subsequences |
system-info | Query the operating system for hardware information in a platform-independent way |
system-info.linux | |
system-info.macos | |
system-info.windows | |
timers | One-time and recurring timers for relative time offsets |
tools.coverage | A tool that uses annotations to determine which code paths are taken. |
tools.files | File listing and disk usage tools |
tools.files.unix | |
tools.files.windows | |
tools.hexdump | Prints the formatted hex dump of a byte-array |
tools.ps | Process listing utility |
tools.ps.linux | |
tools.scaffold | Tool to create the scaffolding for new vocabularies |
tools.scaffold.windows | |
ui.backend.windows | |
unix.ffi | |
unix.ffi.linux | |
unix.getfsstat.macos | |
unix.groups | Working with Unix user groups |
unix.linux.proc | |
unix.statfs.linux | |
unix.statfs.macos | |
unix.statvfs | |
unix.statvfs.linux | |
unix.statvfs.macos | |
unix.users | Working with Unix users |
unix.users.macos | |
unix.utmpx | |
unix.utmpx.linux | |
unix.utmpx.macos | |
unix.xattrs.macos | |
vocabs.platforms | |
windows | Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7 API bindings |
windows.advapi32 | |
windows.crypt32 | |
windows.errors | |
windows.gdi32 | |
windows.handles | |
windows.hardware | |
windows.iphlpapi | |
windows.kernel32 | |
windows.messages | |
windows.ntdll | |
windows.opengl32 | |
windows.powrprof | |
windows.privileges | |
windows.processes | |
windows.psapi | |
windows.registry | |
windows.shell32 | |
windows.surface-dial | |
windows.time | |
windows.types | |
windows.user32 | |
windows.usp10 | |
windows.winmm | |
windows.winsock |