

Class description
stencil-ops are set as part of a stencil-mode and determine how the stencil buffer is modified by incoming fragments.
op-keep leaves the stencil buffer value unchanged.
op-zero sets the stencil buffer value to zero.
op-replace sets the stencil buffer value to the reference value.
op-invert bitwise NOTs the stencil buffer value.
op-inc-sat adds one to the stencil buffer value, leaving it unchanged if it is already the maximum storable value.
op-dec-sat subtracts one from the stencil buffer value, leaving it unchanged if it is already zero.
op-inc-wrap adds one to the stencil buffer value, wrapping the value to zero if it was the maximum storable value.
op-dec-wrap subtracts one from the stencil buffer value, wrapping the value to the maximum storable value if it was zero.
