invoke ( quot: ( env -- ) -- goal )


quota quotation

goala logic-goal

Word description
Creates a goal which uses the values of obtained logic variables. It can be used to add new rules to or drop rules from the database while a query is running. The argument quot must not return any values, the created goal always return t. invoke is intended to be used in a quotation. If there is a quotation in the definition of rule, logic uses the internal definition of the goal obtained by calling it.

In this example, the calculated values are memorized to eliminate recalculation.
USING: logic kernel lists assocs locals math prettyprint ; IN: scratchpad LOGIC-PRED: fibo LOGIC-VARS: F F1 F2 N N1 N2 ; { fibo 1 1 } fact { fibo 2 1 } fact { fibo N F } { { (>) N 2 } [ [ N of 1 - ] N1 is ] { fibo N1 F1 } [ [ N of 2 - ] N2 is ] { fibo N2 F2 } [ [ [ F1 of ] [ F2 of ] bi + ] F is ] [ [ [ N of ] [ F of ] bi [let :> ( nv fv ) { fibo nv fv } !! rule* ] ] invoke ] } rule { fibo 10 F } query .
{ H{ { F 55 } } }

See also


:: invoke ( quot: ( env -- ) -- goal )
quot collect-logic-vars :> args quot "[ %u invoke ]" sprintf
<pred> :> invoke-pred invoke-pred args logic-goal boa
:> invoke-goal V{
[| env | env quot ( env -- ) call-effect t ]
} invoke-pred defs<< invoke-goal ;