Vocabulary compiler .
cfg .
builder .
blocks Inputs Outputs Word description Combinator that emits a new trivial block, constructed by calling the supplied quotation. The quotation should not end the current block -- only add instructions to it.
Examples USING: compiler.cfg.builder.blocks make prettyprint ;
begin-stack-analysis <basic-block> dup set-basic-block [ gensym ##call, drop ] emit-trivial-block predecessors>> first .
T{ basic-block
{ instructions
V{ T{ ##call { word ( gensym ) } } T{ ##branch } }
{ successors
T{ basic-block { predecessors V{ ~circularity~ } } }
{ predecessors
T{ basic-block
{ instructions V{ T{ ##branch } } }
{ successors V{ ~circularity~ } }
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Factor 0.101 x86.64 (2287, heads/master-f17c57b991, Mar 1 2025 09:44:50)