edit-page ( title text summary params -- assoc )
MediaWiki API

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titlea page title
texta page content
summaryan edit summary
paramsan assoc of additional parameters (section, minor)

assoca parsed JSON result

Word description
Changes the content of a page. In conjunction with page-content, it uses the revision timstamp and thetimestamp of when you begin editing for edit-conflictdetection.

You can disable the bot flag by setting botflag to f:
f botflag set-global


:: edit-page ( title text summary params -- assoc )
"edit" "action" ,, title "title" ,, summary "summary" ,,
text "text" ,, curtimestamp get "now" or
"starttimestamp" ,, basetimestamp get "now" or
"basetimestamp" ,,
] { } make botflag get { { "bot" t } } { } ? params
[ assoc-union ] bi@ token-call ;