Word description Constructs an effect object like <effect>. If in-var or out-var are not f, they are used as the names of the Stack effect row variables for the inputs and outputs of the effect object.
USING: effects prettyprint ;
f { "a" "b" } f { "c" } <variable-effect> . ( a b -- c )
USING: effects prettyprint ;
"x" { "a" "b" } "y" { "c" } <variable-effect> . ( ..x a b -- ..y c )
USING: arrays effects prettyprint ;
"y" { "a" { "b" ( ..x -- ..y ) } } "x" { "c" } <variable-effect> . ( ..y a b: ( ..x -- ..y ) -- ..x c )
USING: effects prettyprint ;
"." { "a" "b" } f { "*" } <variable-effect> . ( ... a b -- * )