VocabularygroupingInputsOutputsWord descriptionOutputs a virtual sequence whose elements are overlapping subsequences of
n elements from the underlying sequence.
ExamplesRunning averages:
USING: grouping sequences math prettyprint kernel ;
IN: scratchpad
CONSTANT: share-price { 13/50 51/100 13/50 1/10 4/5 17/20 33/50 3/25 19/100 3/100 }
share-price 4 <clumps> [ [ sum ] [ length ] bi / ] map .
{ 113/400 167/400 201/400 241/400 243/400 91/200 1/4 }
USING: arrays kernel sequences grouping prettyprint ;
{ 1 2 3 4 5 6 } 3 <clumps> second >array .
{ 2 3 4 }
See also<circular-clumps>,