3check ( ..a x y z quot: ( ..a x y z -- ..b ? ) -- ..b x y z ? )
Factor handbook » The language » Combinators » Conditional combinators

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xan object
yan object
zan object
quota quotation

xan object
yan object
zan object
?a boolean

Word description
Calls quot on x, y, and z and keeps those three values under the boolean result from the quot.

True case:
USING: arrays kernel math prettyprint ; 3 4 5 [ + + even? ] 3check 4array .
{ 3 4 5 t }

False case:
USING: arrays kernel math prettyprint ; 3 4 5 [ + + odd? ] 3check 4array .
{ 3 4 5 f }

See also
1check, 1guard, 2check, 2guard, 3guard


: 3check
( ..a x y z quot: ( ..a x y z -- ..b ? ) -- ..b x y z ? )
3keep roll ; inline