Vocabulary graphviz .
notation Inputs None
Outputs Word description Shorthand for
<graph-attributes> to be used with
]; and attribute-setting generic words (see
Notation for setting Graphviz attributes ) so that adding
graph-attributes to a
graph or
subgraph reads more like the equivalent in the DOT language.
Notes This word is rendered redundant by the
graph and
subgraph methods defined by
graphviz .
notation for setting attributes. Sometimes it still might look better to delineate certain attribute-setting code.
Examples Instead of writing
<graph-attributes> "LR" =rankdir "blah" =label add
it looks better to write
[graph "LR" =rankdir "blah" =label ];
Compare this with the DOT language, where you'd write
graph {
[graph rankdir="LR" label="blah" ];
Of course, you could just write
"LR" =rankdir
"blah" =label
Similarly, in the DOT language you could just write
graph {
See also [add-node ,
[add-edge ,
[-- ,
[-> ,
[node ,
[edge ,
]; Definition
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