(unify*) ( x! x-env! y! y-env! trail tmp-env -- success? )


x!an object
x-env!an object
y!an object
y-env!an object
trailan object
tmp-envan object

success?an object


:: (unify*)
( x! x-env! y! y-env! trail tmp-env -- success? )
f :> ret-value! f :> ret?! f :> ret2?! [
[ x logic-var? ]
x x-env env-get :> xp xp [
xp first2 x-env! x! x x-env dereference
x-env! x! t
] [
y y-env dereference y-env! y! x y =
x-env y-env eq? and ~quotation~ unless
t ret?! t ret-value! f
] if
[ y logic-var? ]
[ x y x! y! x-env y-env x-env! y-env! t ]
[ f ]
} cond
] loop ret? [
t ret-value! x y [ logic-goal? ] both? [
x pred>> y pred>> =
[ x args>> x! y args>> y! ]
[ f ret-value! t ret2?! ] if
] when ret2? [
[ x y ~quotation~ both? ]
x y ~quotation~ same?
~quotation~ ~quotation~ if ret-value!
[ x y ~quotation~ both? ]
x y ~quotation~ same?
x y ~quotation~ same? and
~quotation~ ~quotation~ if ret-value!
[ x y = ret-value! ]
} cond
] unless
] unless ret-value ;