There are two ways to run Factor programs outside the listener: as scripts, which are interpreted by Factor, or as standalone executable compiled for your platform. Both require you to define a vocabulary with an entry point (altough there is an even simpler way for scripts), so let's do that first.
Start by creating our
ls vocabulary with
"ls" scaffold-work and make it look like this:
! Copyright (C) 2014 Andrea Ferretti.
! See for BSD license.
USING: accessors command-line io io.directories io.files.types
kernel namespaces sequences ;
IN: ls
: list-files-and-dirs ( path -- files dirs )
directory-entries [ type>> +regular-file+ = ] partition ;
: ls ( path -- )
"------------" print
[ name>> print ] each
"FILES:" print
"------" print
[ name>> print ] each ;
When we run our vocabulary, we will need to read arguments from the command line. Command-line arguments are stored under the
command-line dynamic variable, which holds an array of strings. Hence - forgetting any error checking - we can define a word which runs
ls on the first command-line argument with
: ls-run ( -- ) command-line get first ls ;
Finally, we use the word
MAIN: to declare the main word of our vocabulary:
MAIN: ls-run
Having added those two lines to your vocabulary, you are now ready to run it. The simplest way is to run the vocabulary as a script with the
-run flag passed to Factor. For instance to list the contents of my home I can do
$ ./factor -run=ls /home/andrea
In order to produce an executable, we must set some options and call the
deploy word. The simplest way to do this graphically is to invoke the
deploy-tool word. If you write
"ls" deploy-tool, you will be presented with a window to choose deployment options. For our simple case, we will leave the default options and choose Deploy.
After a little while, you should be presented with an executable that you can run like
$ cd ls
$ ./ls /home/andrea
Try making the
ls program more robust by handling missing command-line arguments and non-existent or non-directory arguments.