Scaling images in a gadget

For a manually resizable image:

For an image that scales depending on the viewport size:

For a scrollable window of images where at least 1 image is completely contained and viewable regardless of the window dimensions:

USE: images.viewer.scaling { P" ~/path-to-image-1.png" P" ~/path-to-image-2.png" P" ~/path-to-image-n.png" } [ absolute-path load-image <autoscaling-image-gadget> 1 >>fill ] map <pile> 1 >>fill [ '[ _ swap add-gadget drop ] each ] [ <scroller> ] bi "image-scroll" open-window

To instead ensure the image always completely covers the window so there are no empty regions, use { f f } in the fill slot.

For a scrollable window of images where each image fills 90% of the height of the viewport, with the filename below it:
USE: images.viewer.scaling { P" ~/path-to-image-1.png" P" ~/path-to-image-2.png" P" ~/path-to-image-n.png" } [ absolute-path [ load-image <autoscaling-image-gadget> { f 0.9 } >>fill ] [ <label> ] bi 2array ] map flip <grid> <scroller> "image-scroll" open-window

For a window where an image automatically fills to the width of the parent gadget, wrap it in a viewport. The parent gadget gives the wrapping viewport the available dimensions and the image will stop at this viewport to calculate the scaling required. For example, with frame and its filled-cell slot:
USE: images.viewer.scaling P" ~/path/to/image.jpg" absolute-path [ <label> ] [ load-image <autoscaling-image-gadget> 1 >>fill f <viewport> t >>root? ] bi 1 2 <frame> swap { 0 0 } grid-add swap { 0 1 } grid-add <scroller> "image-filling" open-window

Wrapping the image in a viewport can also be used to crop and position an image by using the loc slot of the viewport in conjunction with the scaling options described above.