Boilerplate Chloe tags
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The following Chloe tags interface with the HTML templating Boilerplate support.

The tags marked with (*) are only available if the vocabulary is loaded.
t:titleSets the title. Intended for use in a master template.
t:write-titleRenders the child's title. Intended for use in a child template.
t:styleAdds CSS markup from the file named by the t:include attribute. Intended for use in a child template.
t:write-styleRenders the children's CSS markup. Intended for use in a master template.
t:scriptAdds JS from the file named by the t:include attribute. Intended for use in a child template.
t:write-scriptRenders the children's JS. Intended for use in a master template.
t:metaAdds meta tags to the header. Intended for use in a child template.
t:write-metaRenders the children's meta tags. Intended for use in a master template.
t:atomAdds an Atom feed link. The attributes are the same as the t:link tag. Intended for use in a child template. (*)
t:write-atomRenders the children's list of Atom feed links. Intended for use in a master template. (*)
t:call-next-templateCalls the next child template from a master template.