Error index
Factor handbook

Prev:Primitive index
Next:Class index

!bw-range ( value -- * )

(N)immrimms-range ( value -- * )

*-in-c-type-name ( name -- * )

2d-expected ( shaped -- * )

:>-outside-lambda-error ( -- * )

>r/r>-in-fry-error ( -- * )

>r/r>-in-lambda-error ( -- * )

A-range ( value -- * )

CRm-range ( value -- * )

CRn-range ( value -- * )

D-range ( value -- * )

L-range ( value -- * )

M-range ( value -- * )

N-range ( value -- * )

Nimmrimms-range ( value -- * )

Q-range ( value -- * )

Ra-range ( value -- * )

Rd-range ( value -- * )

Rm-range ( value -- * )

Rn-range ( value -- * )

Rs-range ( value -- * )

Rt-range ( value -- * )

Rt2-range ( value -- * )

S-range ( value -- * )

U-range ( value -- * )

Xd-range ( value -- * )

Xm-range ( value -- * )

Xn-range ( value -- * )

Xt-range ( value -- * )

Xt2-range ( value -- * )

Z-range ( value -- * )

a1-range ( value -- * )

abrupt-closing-of-empty-comment ( -- * )

abrupt-doctype-public-identifier ( -- * )

abrupt-doctype-system-identifier ( -- * )

absence-of-digits-in-numeric-character-reference ( -- * )

acl-init-failed ( n -- * )

add-permission-failed ( permission-set permission -- * )

addrinfo-error ( n string host -- * )

aes-192-256-not-implemented ( -- * )

all-points-colinear ( -- * )

all-slots-ignored ( class -- * )

already-disposed ( disposable -- * )

already-logged-in ( username -- * )

already-unregistered ( disposable -- * )

amb-failure ( -- * )

ambiguous-option ( arg options -- * )


arm64-encoding-imm ( original n-bits-requested truncated -- * )

array-size-error. ( obj -- )

assert ( got expect -- * )

assert-sequence ( got expected -- * )

atlas-image-formats-dont-match ( images -- * )

attempt-all-error ( -- * )

attr-w/< ( -- * )

audio-context-not-available ( device-name -- * )

audio-device-not-found ( device-name -- * )

b-rep-not-empty ( b-rep -- * )

b1-range ( value -- * )

b40-range ( value -- * )

bad-acl-tag-t ( n -- * )

bad-array-length ( n -- * )

bad-array-length ( n -- * )

bad-array-type ( -- * )

bad-byte-array-length ( byte-array type -- * )

bad-cdata ( -- * )

bad-checksum ( -- * )

bad-class ( name -- * )

bad-color-pair ( pair -- * )

bad-compression ( n -- * )

bad-conversion ( dst src dst-rep src-rep -- * )

bad-create ( name vocab -- * )

bad-cuda-abi ( abi -- * )

bad-decl ( -- * )

bad-declaration-error ( declaration -- * )

bad-directive ( line -- * )

bad-dispatch-position ( # -- * )

bad-doctype ( line -- * )

bad-effect ( -- * )

bad-effect ( quot effect -- * )

bad-email-address ( email -- * )

bad-encoding ( line -- * )

bad-escape ( char -- * )

bad-external-id ( -- * )

bad-extra-samples ( n -- * )

bad-filter ( n -- * )

bad-heap-delete ( -- * )

bad-identifier ( name -- * )

bad-include-line ( line -- * )

bad-index ( indirect -- * )

bad-inheritance ( class superclass -- * )

bad-initial-value ( name initial-value class -- * )

bad-instruction ( values -- * )

bad-integer-op ( word -- * )

bad-ipv4-component ( string -- * )

bad-ipv4-embedded-prefix ( obj -- * )

bad-ipv6-component ( obj -- * )

bad-jpeg-proc ( n -- * )

bad-kill-index ( vreg bb -- * )

bad-length ( bytes n -- * )

bad-length ( seq -- * )

bad-literal-tuple ( -- * )

bad-live-interval ( live-interval -- * )

bad-live-ranges ( interval -- * )

bad-local ( args obj -- * )

bad-location ( str -- * )

bad-log-message-parameters ( msg word level -- * )

bad-macro-input ( macro -- * )

bad-magic ( -- * )

bad-magic ( -- * )

bad-magic ( got expected -- * )

bad-math-inverse ( -- * )

bad-matrix-dim ( matrix -- * )

bad-method-effect ( effect expected-effect -- * )

bad-mmap-size ( n -- * )

bad-movabs-operands ( dst src -- * )

bad-name ( line -- * )

bad-number ( -- * )

bad-number ( -- * )

bad-number ( str -- * )

bad-numbering ( bb -- * )

bad-option ( what -- * )

bad-option ( what -- * )

bad-papier-version ( version -- * )

bad-partial-eval ( quot word -- * )

bad-peek ( dst loc -- * )

bad-photometric-interpretation ( n -- * )

bad-planar-configuration ( n -- * )

bad-platform ( name -- * )

bad-png-header ( header -- * )

bad-predictor ( n -- * )

bad-probabilities ( assoc -- * )

bad-prolog ( line -- * )

bad-ptr ( -- * )

bad-request-line ( parse-error -- * )

bad-resolution-unit ( n -- * )

bad-response ( json status -- * )

bad-rewrite ( args obj -- * )

bad-sample-format ( n -- * )

bad-schema ( -- * )

bad-seek-type ( type -- * )

bad-simd-intrinsic ( node -- * )

bad-simd-length ( got expected -- * )

bad-simd-vector ( obj -- * )

bad-slot-attribute ( key -- * )

bad-slot-name ( class slot -- * )

bad-slot-value ( value class -- * )

bad-small-ifd-type ( n -- * )

bad-stack-effect ( word -- * )

bad-stack-effect ( word got expected -- * )

bad-standalone-effect ( obj -- * )

bad-storage-string ( string reason -- * )

bad-successors ( -- * )

bad-suit-symbol ( ch -- * )

bad-superclass ( class -- * )

bad-tga-extension-size ( -- * )

bad-tga-footer ( -- * )

bad-tga-header ( -- * )

bad-tga-timestamp ( -- * )

bad-tga-unsupported ( -- * )

bad-tiff-magic ( bytes -- * )

bad-tr ( -- * )

bad-uri ( line -- * )

bad-vconvert ( from-type to-type -- * )

bad-vconvert-input ( value expected-type -- * )

bad-vector-length ( seq n -- * )

bad-version ( line -- * )

bad-vocab-name ( name -- * )

bad-vreg ( vreg -- * )

bad-x87-operands ( -- * )

bad-zlib-data ( -- * )

bad-zlib-header ( -- * )

bit-range-error ( x high low -- * )

bmp-not-supported ( n -- * )

bounds-error ( index seq -- * )

box-empty ( box -- * )

box-full ( box -- * )

broadcast-words-must-have-no-outputs ( group -- * )

bucket-does-not-exist ( bucket-name -- * )

bw-range ( value -- * )

byte-expected ( offset -- * )

bytes>ulid-bad-length ( n -- * )

c1-range ( value -- * )

cairo-error ( n message -- * )

callsite-not-compiled ( word -- * )

can't-deploy-library-file ( library -- * )

can't-find-visual-studio-code ( -- * )

can't-nest-definitions ( word -- * )

cannot-annotate-twice ( word -- * )

cannot-be-inline ( word -- * )

cannot-be-void ( type -- * )

cannot-convert ( obj -- * )

cannot-convert-value ( str converter -- * )

cannot-delete-key ( pair -- * )

cannot-determine-arity ( -- * )

cannot-find-graphviz-installation ( -- * )

cannot-find-source ( definition -- * )

cannot-parse ( input -- * )

cannot-reference-self ( class members -- * )

cannot-send-synchronous-to-self ( message thread -- * )

cannot-specialize ( word specializer -- * )

capitalized-prolog ( line -- * )

cdata-in-html-content ( -- * )

certificate-missing-error ( -- * )

certificate-verify-error ( result -- * )

character-reference-outside-unicode-range ( -- * )

check-create ( name vocab -- name vocab )

check-method ( classoid generic -- class generic )

check-method-error ( class generic -- * )

check-node-error ( node error -- * )

check-use-error ( value message -- * )

checksum-error ( header -- * )

cl-error ( err -- * )

classoid-expected ( object -- * )

code-size-zero ( -- * )

colon-word-must-be-all-uppercase-or-lowercase ( n string word -- * )

compile-shader-error ( shader log -- * )

compound-syntax-disallowed ( n seq obj -- * )

cond4-range ( value -- * )

content-length-missing ( -- * )

control-character-in-input-stream ( -- * )

control-character-reference ( -- * )

core-foundation-error ( n -- * )

could-not-parse ( -- * )

count-down-already-done ( -- * )

csexp-error ( -- * )

cuda-error-state ( code -- * )

curses-failed ( -- * )

d1-range ( value -- * )

datastack-overflow. ( obj -- )

datastack-underflow. ( obj -- )

db-error ( -- * )

dead-edge ( edge -- * )

dead-face ( face -- * )

dead-vertex ( vertex -- * )

decimal-types-expected ( d1 d2 -- * )

decode-error ( -- * )

deferred-type-error ( -- * )

demangle-memory-allocation-failure ( -- * )

descriptive-error ( args underlying word -- * )

dimension-mismatch-error ( tensor-dim index-dim -- * )

dimensioned-power-op-expects-integer ( d n -- * )

dimensions-not-equal ( -- * )

disallowed-char ( line -- * )

diverging-recursion-error ( word -- * )

divide-by-zero-error. ( obj -- )

division-by-zero ( x -- * )

do-not-compile ( word -- * )

domain-name-contains-empty-label ( domain -- * )

download-failed ( response -- * )

duplicate-attr ( line column -- * )

duplicate-attribute ( -- * )

duplicate-key ( key -- * )

duplicate-keys ( keys -- * )

duplicate-slot-names ( names -- * )

duplicate-values ( values -- * )

e1-range ( value -- * )

ebnf-foreign-not-found ( name -- * )

edges-in-different-faces ( -- * )

edges-in-same-face ( -- * )

edges-not-incident ( -- * )

effect-error ( inferred declared -- * )

elevated-failed ( command strategies -- * )

empty-deque ( -- * )

empty-error ( pvec -- * )

empty-unrolled-list ( list -- * )

empty-vlist-error ( -- * )

empty-xor-key ( -- * )

encode-error ( -- * )

end-aside-in-get-error ( -- * )

end-tag-with-attributes ( -- * )

end-tag-with-trailing-solidus ( -- * )

eof-before-tag-name ( -- * )

eof-in-cdata ( -- * )

eof-in-comment ( -- * )

eof-in-doctype ( -- * )

eof-in-script-html-comment-like-text ( -- * )

eof-in-tag ( -- * )

expected ( line column -- * )

expected-arguments ( option -- * )

expected-length-tokens ( n string length seq -- * )

expected-modern-path ( got -- * )

expected-one-line ( lines -- * )

expected-one-path ( got -- * )

expected-ref ( got -- * )

expected-sequence-error ( expected actual -- * )

expired-error. ( obj -- )

extra-attrs ( line -- * )

f1-range ( value -- * )

fail ( -- * )

ffi-error. ( obj -- )

fica-base-unknown ( -- * )

file-expected ( path -- * )

format-unsupported-by-openal ( audio -- * )

ftp-error ( got expected -- * )

ftype-range ( value -- * )

g-error ( domain code message -- * )

g1-range ( value -- * )

game-input-not-open ( -- * )

generator-needs-reponse-type ( generator -- * )

gif-unexpected-eof ( -- * )

gir-not-found ( name paths -- * )

git-revision-not-found ( path -- * )

gml-stack-underflow ( -- * )

groups-error ( seq n -- * )

h1-range ( value -- * )

has-inputs ( -- * )

has-rings ( face -- * )

header-file-missing ( path -- * )

hetzner-access-token-required ( symbol -- * )

hpack-decode-error ( error-msg -- * )

hpack-huffman-error ( message -- * )

http-get-error ( url res json -- * )

hw2-range ( value -- * )

id-present ( id -- * )

id3-parse-error ( path error -- * )

idx-v1-unsupported ( -- * )

illegal-bitmask-element ( n -- * )

illegal-bitmask-immediate ( n -- * )

illegal-character ( ch -- * )

illegal-logical ( value -- * )

image-too-big ( actual-size max-size -- * )

imap4-error ( ind data -- * )

imm-out-of-range ( imm n -- * )

imm12-range ( value -- * )

imm13-range ( value -- * )

imm14-range ( value -- * )

imm16-range ( value -- * )

imm19-range ( value -- * )

imm26-range ( value -- * )

imm3-range ( value -- * )

imm4-range ( value -- * )

imm5-range ( value -- * )

imm6-range ( value -- * )

imm7-range ( value -- * )

imm9-range ( value -- * )

immhi19-range ( value -- * )

immlo2-range ( value -- * )

immr-range ( value -- * )

immrimms-range ( value -- * )

imms-range ( value -- * )

immutable ( element index sequence -- * )

inaccurate-feedback-attribute-error ( attribute -- * )

include-nested-too-deeply ( -- * )

inconsistent-next-method ( class generic -- * )

inconsistent-recursive-call-error ( word -- * )

incorrect-#bytes ( -- * )

incorrectly-closed-comment ( -- * )

incorrectly-opened-comment ( -- * )

index-out-of-bounds ( index gap-buffer -- * )


inline-intrinsics-not-supported ( word quot -- * )

input-mismatch-error ( value expected-type word expected-types -- * )

integer-length-expected ( obj -- * )

internal-error ( msg -- * )

invalid-PLTE ( array -- * )

invalid-arguments ( -- * )

invalid-audio-file ( -- * )

invalid-block-size ( size -- * )

invalid-c-string ( string -- * )

invalid-capacity ( capacity -- * )

invalid-character ( char -- * )

invalid-character-sequence-after-doctype-name ( -- * )

invalid-color ( color-index -- * )

invalid-color-type/bit-depth ( loading-png -- * )

invalid-content-length ( content-length -- * )

invalid-count-down-count ( count -- * )

invalid-cronentry ( value -- * )

invalid-cursor ( cursor -- * )

invalid-demangle-args ( name -- * )

invalid-digit ( char -- * )

invalid-duplex-stream ( -- * )

invalid-enum ( value -- * )

invalid-error-rate ( error-rate -- * )

invalid-file-size ( n path -- * )

invalid-first-character-of-tag-name ( -- * )

invalid-fortran-type ( type -- * )

invalid-header-string ( string -- * )

invalid-hex-color ( hex -- * )

invalid-hex-string-length ( n -- * )

invalid-hinfo-record ( length -- * )

invalid-inet-server ( addrspec -- * )

invalid-ipv4 ( host reason -- * )

invalid-ipv6 ( host reason -- * )

invalid-length ( length -- * )

invalid-length ( n -- * )

invalid-length ( x -- * )

invalid-link-feedback-format-error ( format -- * )

invalid-local-address ( addrspec -- * )

invalid-local-name ( name -- * )

invalid-location ( file line -- * )

invalid-lucas-lehmer-candidate ( obj -- * )

invalid-mangled-name ( name -- * )

invalid-nth-unsafe ( n seq word -- * )

invalid-op ( string -- * )

invalid-outputs ( #call infos -- * )

invalid-packet ( packet -- * )

invalid-path ( path -- * )

invalid-percent ( x -- * )

invalid-perlin-noise-table ( table -- * )

invalid-pixel-format-attributes ( world attributes -- * )

invalid-plist-object ( object -- * )

invalid-port ( object -- * )

invalid-primitive ( vocabulary word effect -- * )

invalid-proxy ( proxy -- * )

invalid-radix ( radix -- * )

invalid-return-state ( obj -- * )

invalid-row-variable ( -- * )

invalid-signed-conversion ( n -- * )

invalid-size ( size -- * )

invalid-slot-name ( name -- * )

invalid-status ( value -- * )

invalid-stream-read-unsafe ( len buf port word -- * )

invalid-stream-read-unsafe-return ( out-len in-len buf port word -- * )

invalid-struct-slot ( token -- * )

invalid-timestamp-format ( -- * )

invalid-unicode-character ( name -- * )

invalid-uniform-type ( uniform -- * )

invalid-union ( value -- * )

invalid-value ( option value -- * )

invalid-vector-length ( obj exemplar -- * )

invalid-widthed ( bits #bits -- * )

invalid-word-name ( string -- * )

io-error. ( error -- )

io-timeout ( -- * )

item-not-stored ( -- * )

json-error ( -- * )

json-fp-special-error ( value -- * )

key-exists ( -- * )

key-exists ( value key assoc -- * )

key-not-found ( -- * )

leftover-program-after-compilation ( program leftover -- * )

let-form-in-literal-error ( -- * )

lex-expected-but-got-eof ( n string expected -- * )


libc-error ( errno message -- * )

libyaml-emitter-error ( error problem -- * )

libyaml-initialize-error ( -- * )

libyaml-parser-error ( error problem problem_offset problem_value problem_mark context context_mark -- * )

limit-exceeded ( n stream -- * )

link-program-error ( program log -- * )

list-syntax-error ( -- * )

llvm-error ( message -- * )

loading-gif-error ( gif-image -- * )

local-allocation-error ( -- * )

local-not-defined ( name -- * )

local-writer-in-literal-error ( -- * )

long-opening-mismatch ( tag open n string ch -- * )

lowered-failed ( -- * )

malformed-ascii85 ( -- * )

malformed-base16 ( -- * )

malformed-base24 ( -- * )

malformed-base32 ( -- * )

malformed-base32hex ( -- * )

malformed-base36 ( -- * )

malformed-base45 ( -- * )

malformed-base58 ( -- * )

malformed-base62 ( -- * )

malformed-base64 ( -- * )

malformed-base85 ( -- * )

malformed-base91 ( -- * )

malformed-complex ( obj -- * )

malformed-hashtable-pair ( seq pair -- * )

malformed-hqx ( -- * )

malformed-ipv4 ( string -- * )

malformed-ipv6 ( string -- * )

malformed-port ( string -- * )

malformed-regexp ( expr error -- * )

malformed-semver ( obj -- * )

mask4-range ( value -- * )

mdb-error ( msg -- * )

memory-error. ( error -- )

method-lookup-failed ( class generic -- * )

mime-decoding-ran-out-of-bytes ( -- * )

mirror-slot-removal ( slots mirror method -- * )

mismatched ( line column -- * )

mismatched-brain-flak-brackets ( program -- * )

misplaced-directive ( line -- * )

missing-attr ( tag attr -- * )

missing-attribute-value ( -- * )

missing-bom ( -- * )

missing-child ( tag child-name -- * )

missing-close ( -- * )

missing-doctype-name ( -- * )

missing-doctype-public-identifier ( -- * )

missing-doctype-system-identifier ( -- * )

missing-effect ( word -- * )

missing-end-tag-name ( -- * )

missing-literal ( -- * )

missing-quote-before-doctype-public-identifier ( -- * )

missing-quote-before-doctype-system-identifier ( -- * )

missing-semicolon-after-character-reference ( -- * )

missing-type ( type -- * )

missing-usereg ( -- * )

missing-whitespace-after-doctype-public-keyword ( -- * )

missing-whitespace-after-doctype-system-keyword ( -- * )

missing-whitespace-before-doctype-name ( -- * )

missing-whitespace-between-attributes ( -- * )

missing-whitespace-between-doctype-public-and-system-identifiers ( -- * )

mongod-connection-error ( address message -- * )

more-than-8-components ( -- * )

multiple-defs-error ( -- * )

multiple-inheritance-attempted ( classes -- * )

multitags ( -- * )

negative-number-expected ( n -- * )

negative-power-matrix ( m n -- * )

negative-power-polynomial ( p n -- * )

nested-comment ( -- * )

no-abnormally-shaped-arrays ( underlying shape -- * )

no-article ( name -- * )

no-backslash-payload ( n string slice -- * )

no-biassoc-deletion ( -- * )

no-boilerplate ( -- * )

no-boundary ( -- * )

no-c-type ( word -- * )

no-cairo-t ( -- * )

no-card ( card deck -- * )

no-case ( object -- * )

no-class ( name -- * )

no-column ( column -- * )

no-compilation-unit ( definition -- * )

no-compound-found ( string object -- * )

no-cond ( -- * )

no-content-disposition ( multipart -- * )

no-cuda-library ( name -- * )

no-current-vocab ( -- vocab )

no-def-error ( value -- * )

no-defined-persistent ( object -- * )

no-entity ( line -- * )

no-field-word ( vocab name -- * )

no-group ( string -- * )

no-host-name ( -- * )

no-marker-found ( -- * )

no-match ( -- * )

no-match-cond ( -- * )

no-math-method ( left right generic -- * )

no-method ( arguments generic -- * )

no-method ( object generic -- * )

no-morse-ch ( ch -- * )

no-negative-shape-components ( shape -- * )

no-next-method ( method -- * )

no-objc-method ( name -- * )

no-objc-type ( name -- * )

no-output-file ( path -- * )

no-pack-for ( sha1 -- * )

no-pair-method ( a b generic -- * )

no-parent-directory ( path -- * )

no-ports-configured ( threaded-server -- * )

no-random-number-generator ( -- * )

no-recursive-inverse ( -- * )

no-relative-prime ( n -- * )

no-rule ( rule parser -- * )

no-slot ( name tuple -- * )

no-slots-named ( class seq -- * )

no-sql-type ( type -- * )

no-such-client ( username -- * )

no-such-color ( name -- * )

no-such-file ( path -- * )

no-such-library ( name message -- * )

no-such-responder ( responder -- * )

no-such-slot ( slot -- * )

no-such-state ( name -- * )

no-such-symbol ( name message -- * )

no-such-user ( obj -- * )

no-such-word ( name vocab -- * )

no-tag ( class -- * )

no-tag ( name word -- * )

no-tls-supported ( -- * )

no-types-specified ( word effect -- * )

no-user ( string -- * )

no-vocab ( name -- * )

no-vocab-main ( vocab -- * )

no-vocab-named ( name -- * )

no-vorbis-in-ogg ( -- * )

no-word ( name -- * )

no-word-error ( name -- * )

no-word-in-vocab ( word vocab -- * )

no-world-found ( -- * )

non-negative-number-expected ( n -- * )

non-null-shapes-must-be-same-type ( shape-types -- * )

non-positive-shape-error ( shape -- * )

non-square-determinant ( m n -- * )

non-trivial-divisor ( n -- * )

non-uniform-seq-error ( seq -- * )

non-void-html-element-start-tag-with-trailing-solidus ( -- * )

noncharacter-character-reference ( -- * )

noncharacter-in-input-stream ( -- * )

nonexist-ns ( line -- * )

nonexistent-option ( name -- * )

not-a-base-face ( face -- * )

not-a-baseline-jpeg-image ( -- * )

not-a-class-error ( -- * )

not-a-day-abbreviation ( string -- * )

not-a-git-directory ( path -- * )

not-a-gopher-url ( url -- * )

not-a-jpeg-image ( -- * )

not-a-json-number ( string -- * )

not-a-month ( -- * )

not-a-month-abbreviation ( string -- * )

not-a-random-generator ( -- * )

not-a-source-path ( path -- * )

not-a-vocab-root ( string -- * )

not-an-instance ( obj class -- * )

not-an-integer ( x -- * )

not-compiled ( word error -- * )

not-enough-bits ( n bit-reader -- * )

not-enough-characters ( -- * )

not-enough-data ( -- * )

not-enough-entries ( -- * )

not-enough-pile-space ( pile -- * )

not-enough-widthed-bits ( widthed n -- * )

not-fat-binary ( -- * )

not-final ( class -- * )

not-found-in-roots ( path -- * )

not-in-a-fry ( -- * )

not-in-a-method-error ( -- * )

not-in-image ( vocabulary word -- * )

not-in-interval ( value interval -- * )

not-in-template ( word -- * )

not-persistent ( class -- * )

not-printable ( ch -- * )

not-yes/no ( line -- * )

notags ( -- * )

null-character-reference ( -- * )

number-expected ( -- * )

number-of-arguments ( found required -- * )

nvcc-failed ( n path -- * )

nzcv-range ( value -- * )

odbc-error ( message -- * )

odbc-invalid-handle-error ( message -- * )

odbc-statement-error ( state native-code message -- * )

ogg-error ( code -- * )

one-variable-only ( symbol1 symbol2 value1 value2 -- * )

op1-range ( value -- * )

op10-range ( value -- * )

op2-range ( value -- * )

op3-range ( value -- * )

op4-range ( value -- * )

op5-range ( value -- * )

op6-range ( value -- * )

op7-range ( value -- * )

op8-range ( value -- * )

op9-range ( value -- * )

opc1-range ( value -- * )

opc2-range ( value -- * )

opc3-range ( value -- * )

opc4-range ( value -- * )

option-error ( -- * )

option1-range ( value -- * )

option2-range ( value -- * )

option3-range ( value -- * )

option4-range ( value -- * )

option5-range ( value -- * )

out-of-memory ( -- * )

output-mismatch-error ( value expected-type word expected-types -- * )

output-process-error ( output process -- * )

packed-read-fail ( str bytes -- * )

parser-not-found ( name -- * )

pcre-error ( value -- * )

pcre2-error ( number offset -- * )

position-out-of-bounds ( position gap-buffer -- * )

positive-number-expected ( n -- * )

postgresql-result-null ( -- * )

pre/post-content ( string pre? -- * )

premature-close-error ( -- * )

probability-sum-not-one ( seq -- * )

process-already-started ( process -- * )

process-failed ( process -- * )

process-was-killed ( process -- * )

promise-already-fulfilled ( promise -- * )

python-error ( type message traceback -- * )

quoteless-attr ( -- * )

read-only-slot ( slot -- * )

realloc-error ( ptr size -- * )

recursive-quotation-error ( quot -- * )


redefined-rule ( name -- * )

redis-error ( message -- * )

register-already-used ( live-interval -- * )

register-mismatch ( registers -- * )

repeated-constructor-parameters ( class effect -- * )

repeated-parent-hash ( hash -- * )

request-error ( -- * )

required-options ( options -- * )

resource-missing ( pattern -- * )

retainstack-overflow. ( obj -- )

retainstack-underflow. ( obj -- )

retries-failed ( retries quot -- * )

rmode-range ( value -- * )

role-slot-overlap ( class slots -- * )

roll-out-of-bounds ( n j -- * )

roman-range-error ( n -- * )

row-variable-can't-have-type ( -- * )

scaling-error ( original n-bits-shifted rest -- * )

separator-expected ( expected-one-of got -- * )

sequence-expected ( obj -- * )

server-already-running ( threaded-server -- * )

server-error ( tag message -- * )

server-not-running ( threaded-server -- * )

sf-range ( value -- * )

shape-mismatch ( shaped0 shaped1 -- * )

shape-mismatch-error ( shape1 shape2 -- * )

shaped-bounds-error ( seq shape -- * )

shift2-range ( value -- * )

should-not-be-equal ( obj1 obj2 -- * )

signal-error. ( obj -- )

simm7-range ( value -- * )

simple-lint-error ( message -- * )

size1-range ( value -- * )

size2-range ( value -- * )

slice-error ( from to seq -- * )

slice-error-of ( from to seq -- * )

slices-don't-touch ( slice1 slice2 -- * )

smtp-bad-authentication ( response -- * )

smtp-bad-mailbox-name ( response -- * )

smtp-command-not-implemented ( response -- * )

smtp-error ( response -- * )

smtp-exceeded-storage-allocation ( response -- * )

smtp-mailbox-unavailable ( response -- * )

smtp-server-busy ( response -- * )

smtp-syntax-error ( response -- * )

smtp-transaction-failed ( response -- * )

smtp-user-not-local ( response -- * )

snappy-error ( error -- * )

specialized-array-vocab-not-loaded ( c-type -- * )

splitting-atomic-interval ( -- * )

splitting-too-early ( -- * )

splitting-too-late ( -- * )

sqlite-error ( n string -- * )

sqlite-last-id-fail ( -- * )

stack-effect-omits-dashes ( -- * )

staging-violation ( word -- * )

stop-generator ( -- * )

stream-exhausted ( n stream word -- * )

string-expected-got-eof ( n string -- * )

struct-must-have-slots ( -- * )

subject-name-verify-error ( expected got -- * )

subseq-expected-but-got-eof ( n string expected -- * )

surrogate-character-reference ( -- * )

surrogate-in-input-stream ( -- * )

tag-not-allowed-here ( -- * )

take-slice-error ( n string count -- * )

template-error ( template error -- * )

text-found-before-eol ( string -- * )

text-required ( -- * )

text-w/]]> ( -- * )

tftp-server-not-running ( port -- * )

timed-out-error ( timer -- * )

timer-already-started ( timer -- * )

token-expected ( n string obj -- * )

too-few-primes ( n numbits -- * )

too-many->r ( -- * )

too-many-feedback-formats-error ( formats -- * )

too-many-r> ( -- * )

too-many-redirects ( -- * )

too-many-redirects ( -- * )

too-many-samples ( seq n -- * )

too-many-slots ( class slots got max -- * )

too-many-symlinks ( path n -- * )

topological-sort-failed ( -- * )

transform-expansion-error ( error continuation word -- * )

triangulated-face-must-be-base ( -- * )

tuple-removed ( class -- * )

type-check-error. ( obj -- )

type-error ( type -- * )

type-mismatch-error ( value expected-type word expected-types -- * )

uimm4-range ( value -- * )

uimm6-range ( value -- * )

ulid-overflow ( -- * )

ulid>bytes-bad-character ( ch -- * )

ulid>bytes-bad-length ( n -- * )

ulid>bytes-overflow ( -- * )

unable-to-fully-parse ( remaining -- * )

unbalanced-branches-error ( word quots declareds actuals -- * )

unbalanced-private-declaration ( vocab -- * )

unbalanced-recursion-error ( word height -- * )

unbound-local ( name -- * )

unbound-name ( name -- * )

unbound-register ( name -- * )

unclosed-brain-flak-expression ( program -- * )

unclosed-quote ( -- * )

uncompressable-image ( -- * )

undeclared-recursion-error ( word -- * )

undefined ( -- * )

undefined-8080-opcode ( n -- * )

undefined-derivative ( point word -- * )

undefined-inverse ( -- * )

undefined-inverse ( m n r -- * )

undefined-log-level ( -- * )

undefined-symbol-error. ( obj -- )

undefined-word ( word -- * )

underlying-mismatch ( slice1 slice2 -- * )

underlying-shape-mismatch ( underlying shape -- * )

unexpected ( want got -- * )

unexpected-character-after-doctype-system-identifier ( -- * )

unexpected-character-in-attribute-name ( -- * )

unexpected-character-in-unquoted-attribute-value ( -- * )

unexpected-end ( -- * )

unexpected-end ( n string -- * )

unexpected-equals-sign-before-attribute-name ( -- * )

unexpected-null-character ( -- * )

unexpected-question-mark-instead-of-tag-name ( -- * )

unexpected-solidus-in-tag ( -- * )

unexpected-terminator ( n string slice -- * )

unhandled-compression ( compression -- * )

unhandled-data ( byte -- * )

unhandled-git-version ( n -- * )

unimplemented ( message -- * )

unimplemented ( string -- * )

unimplemented* ( -- * )

unimplemented-color-type ( image -- * )

unimplemented-interlace ( -- * )

unimplemented-opcode ( opcode message -- * )

uninferable ( -- * )

unix-system-call-error ( args errno message word -- * )

unknown-audio-extension ( extension -- * )

unknown-bitmap-header ( n -- * )

unknown-bson-type ( type msg -- * )

unknown-c-preprocessor ( sequence-parser name -- * )

unknown-child-forms ( order -- * )

unknown-chloe-tag ( tag -- * )

unknown-color-type ( n -- * )

unknown-command ( -- * )

unknown-component-order ( bitmap -- * )

unknown-component-order ( ifd -- * )

unknown-component-type ( n -- * )

unknown-constructor-parameters ( class effect unknown -- * )

unknown-content-disposition ( multipart -- * )

unknown-datatype ( datatype -- * )

unknown-day-abbrev ( day -- * )

unknown-delta-operation ( op -- * )

unknown-digest ( name -- * )

unknown-dot-git ( path -- * )

unknown-endian-c-type ( symbol -- * )

unknown-extension ( n -- * )

unknown-field ( name parameter -- * )

unknown-file-spec ( symbol -- * )

unknown-filetype ( filetype -- * )

unknown-flag ( flag -- * )

unknown-form ( name -- * )

unknown-format ( n -- * )

unknown-format-directive ( value -- * )

unknown-gir-tag ( triple -- * )

unknown-git-object ( obj -- * )

unknown-gl-platform ( -- * )

unknown-html-directive ( tag -- * )

unknown-ifd-type ( n where -- * )

unknown-image-extension ( extension -- * )

unknown-last-day ( string -- * )

unknown-macro-input ( macro -- * )

unknown-models-extension ( extension -- * )

unknown-modifier ( modifier -- * )

unknown-mtga-deck-section ( section -- * )

unknown-named-character-reference ( -- * )

unknown-named-entity ( entity -- * )

unknown-option ( str -- * )

unknown-response ( response -- * )

unknown-syntax ( syntax -- * )

unknown-tag-error ( tag -- * )

unknown-type ( name -- * )

unknown-type-error ( type -- * )

unknown-typeflag ( ch -- * )

unknown-value ( value -- * )

unknown-zim-option ( name -- * )

unloaded-vocab ( spec -- * )

unmatched-closing-tag-error ( stack tag -- * )

unmatched-closing-tag-error ( stack tag -- * )

unmatched-open-tags-error ( stack seq -- * )

unopened ( -- * )

unreachable ( -- * )

unrecognized-arguments ( args -- * )

unrecognized-charset ( -- * )

unrolled-2bounds-error ( xseq yseq unroll-length -- * )

unrolled-bounds-error ( seq unroll-length -- * )

unsupported-bitfield-widths ( n -- * )

unsupported-bitmap-compression ( compression -- * )

unsupported-bitmap-file ( magic -- * )

unsupported-charset ( charset -- * )

unsupported-colorspace ( -- * )

unsupported-component-order ( component-order component-type -- * )

unsupported-curses-terminal ( -- * )

unsupported-domain-name ( string -- * )

unsupported-encoding ( graph-encoding -- * )

unsupported-endian-type ( endian slot -- * )

unsupported-field-type ( type -- * )

unsupported-gif-format ( magic -- * )

unsupported-image-format ( -- * )

unsupported-image-header ( -- * )

unsupported-jwt ( header -- * )

unsupported-number-base ( n base -- * )

unsupported-number-type ( type -- * )

unsupported-packed-raw-type ( type -- * )

unsupported-preview-format ( preview-format -- * )

unsupported-resolv.conf-line ( string -- * )

unsupported-resolv.conf-option ( string -- * )

unsupported-rotation ( degrees -- * )

unsupported-tag-encoding ( id -- * )

upgrade-buffers-full ( -- * )

upgrade-on-non-socket ( -- * )

usage-error ( options -- * )

vacant-peek ( insn -- * )

vacant-when-calling ( seq -- * )

value-not-numeric ( -- * )

value-too-large ( -- * )

variable-required ( variable -- * )

variable-type-error ( variable value type -- * )

version-control-merge-conflict ( -- * )

versionless-prolog ( -- * )

vocab-must-not-exist ( string -- * )

vocab-root-required ( root -- * )

vorbis-error ( code -- * )

vreg-not-new ( vreg -- * )

vregs-shouldn't-interfere ( vreg1 vreg2 -- * )

wrong-values ( quot call-site -- * )

yaml-no-document ( -- * )

yaml-undefined-anchor ( anchor anchors -- * )

yaml-unexpected-event ( actual expected -- * )

zlib-failed ( n string -- * )

zmq-error ( n string -- * )

zone-not-found ( name -- * )

zstd-error ( n str -- * )