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At any point in the execution of a program, the current continuation represents the future of the computation of this execution context.

Words for working with continuations are found in the continuations vocabulary; implementation details are in continuations.private.

The general form to reify a continuation and handle resumes is:
ifcc ( capture restore -- obj )

When resumes don't need special handling, continuations can be more simply reified with the following two words, depending on whether the future of the computation expects data or not:
callcc0 ( quot -- )

callcc1 ( quot -- obj )

The two following respective words resume these reified continuations:
continue ( continuation -- * )

continue-with ( obj continuation -- * )

Resumed continuations can have at most one value passed to them, so passed data must be packed in a single object. In practice this is not a strong limitation. Additionallty, the words for working with continuations without data are in fact just shortcuts for convenience as they actually do pass an empty value and automatically drop it when resuming.

Reified continuations can be resumed at any time: before or after the capture quotation has returned. And reified continuations can be resumed any number of times: zero, one or arbitrarily many times.

In the simplest cases, the reified continuation doesn't escape the initial capture quotation execution. This sufficient for example to implement the non-local exceptional behavior handling of errors where the happy path doesn't resume the continuation at all, but any error immediately resumes the continuation with this error passed in, effectively jumping to were it will be handled from point of execution in the capture quotation. Another example is the short-circuiting nature of early returns (including returns from nested calls in the capture quotation).

And so as a higher abstraction, continuations can also be used as control-flow:
attempt-all ( ... seq quot: ( ... elt -- ... obj ) -- ... obj )

with-return ( quot -- )

Continuations serve as the building block for a number of higher-level abstractions, such as Exception handling and Co-operative threads.
Continuation implementation details

Continuations reach their peak expressive power when resumed multiple many times, and for this to be possible it must be after the capture quotation has initially returned.

Since resuming a reified continuation after the initial capture quotation returned can only work as long as the program is still running, the rest of the program must be designed accordingly. For example the rest of the program can be some kind of long-running process and resuming the continuation works in a way like restarting this process. Or the rest of the program knows that it must wait for resumes and so acts in a way like receiving commands from the initial capture quotation. Or the rest of the program itself resumes the continuation, behaving like non-deterministic backtracking system that can explore a search space by returning to an earlier execution point, restarting the computation with different branching decisions (a pattern known as amb).