libtls.ffi vocabulary
Factor handbook ยป Vocabulary index

Raw bindings to the high-level libtls bindings in LibreSSL



Tuple classes
tls_config_free-destructor alien-destructor
tls_free-destructor alien-destructor

Symbol words

Ordinary words
WordStack effect
&tls_config_free( alien -- alien )
&tls_free( alien -- alien )
<tls_config_free-destructor>( alien -- destructor )
<tls_free-destructor>( alien -- destructor )
tls_accept_fds( tls cctx fd_read fd_write -- int )
tls_accept_socket( tls cctx socket -- int )
tls_client( -- tls_ctx* )
tls_close( ctx -- int )
tls_config_clear_keys( config -- )
tls_config_free( config -- )
tls_config_insecure_noverifycert( config -- )
tls_config_insecure_noverifyname( config -- )
tls_config_insecure_noverifytime( config -- )
tls_config_new( -- tls_config* )
tls_config_parse_protocols( protocols protostr -- int )
tls_config_prefer_ciphers_client( config -- )
tls_config_prefer_ciphers_server( config -- )
tls_config_set_ca_file( config ca_file -- int )
tls_config_set_ca_mem( config cert len -- int )
tls_config_set_ca_path( config ca_path -- int )
tls_config_set_cert_file( config cert_file -- int )
tls_config_set_cert_mem( config cert len -- int )
tls_config_set_ciphers( config ciphers -- int )
tls_config_set_dheparams( config params -- int )
tls_config_set_ecdhecurve( config name -- int )
tls_config_set_key_file( config key_file -- int )
tls_config_set_key_mem( config key len -- int )
tls_config_set_protocols( config protocols -- )
tls_config_set_verify_depth( config verify_depth -- )
tls_config_verify( config -- )
tls_config_verify_client( config -- )
tls_config_verify_client_optional( config -- )
tls_configure( ctx config -- int )
tls_conn_cipher( ctx -- c-string )
tls_conn_version( ctx -- c-string )
tls_connect( ctx host port -- int )
tls_connect_fds( ctx fd_read fd_write servername -- int )
tls_connect_servername( ctx host port servername -- int )
tls_connect_socket( ctx s servername -- int )
tls_error( ctx -- c-string )
tls_free( ctx -- )
tls_handshake( ctx -- int )
tls_init( -- int )
tls_load_file( file len password -- uint8_t* )
tls_peer_cert_contains_name( ctx name -- int )
tls_peer_cert_hash( ctx -- c-string )
tls_peer_cert_issuer( ctx -- c-string )
tls_peer_cert_notafter( ctx -- time_t )
tls_peer_cert_notbefore( ctx -- time_t )
tls_peer_cert_provided( ctx -- int )
tls_peer_cert_subject( ctx -- c-string )
tls_read( ctx buf buflen -- ssize_t )
tls_reset( ctx -- )
tls_server( -- tls_ctx* )
tls_write( ctx buf buflen -- ssize_t )
|tls_config_free( alien -- alien )
|tls_free( alien -- alien )

Class predicate words
WordStack effect
tls_config_free-destructor?( object -- ? )
tls_free-destructor?( object -- ? )


Metadata files