The theory of regular expressions
Regular expressions

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Far from being just a practical tool invented by Unix hackers, regular expressions were studied formally before computer programs were written to process them.

A regular language is a set of strings that is matched by a regular expression, which is defined to have characters and the empty string, along with the operations concatenation, disjunction and Kleene star. Another way to define the class of regular languages is as the class of languages which can be recognized with constant space overhead, ie with a DFA. These two definitions are provably equivalent.

One basic result in the theory of regular language is that the complement of a regular language is regular. In other words, for any regular expression, there exists another regular expression which matches exactly the strings that the first one doesn't match.

This implies, by DeMorgan's law, that, if you have two regular languages, their intersection is also regular. That is, for any two regular expressions, there exists a regular expression which matches strings that match both inputs.

Traditionally, regular expressions on computer support an additional operation: backreferences. For example, the Perl regexp /(.*)$1/ matches a string repeated twice. If a backreference refers to a string with a predetermined maximum length, then the resulting language is still regular.

But, if not, the language is not regular. There is strong evidence that there is no efficient way to parse with backreferences in the general case. Perl uses a naive backtracking algorithm which has pathological behavior in some cases, taking exponential time to match even if backreferences aren't used. Additionally, expressions with backreferences don't have the properties with negation and intersection described above.

The Factor regular expression engine was built with the design decision to support negation and intersection at the expense of backreferences. This lets us have a guaranteed linear-time matching algorithm. Systems like Ragel and Lex use the same algorithm.