Infix notation

The infix vocabulary implements support for infix notation in Factor source code.


The usual infix math operators are supported:
**, which is the infix operator for ^.
%, which is the infix operator for mod.

The standard precedence rules apply: Grouping with parentheses before *, /and % before + and -.
USE: infix [infix 5-40/10*2 infix] .

You can call Factor words in infix expressions just as you would in C. There are some restrictions on which words are legal to use though:
The word must return exactly one value.
The word name must consist of the letters a-z, A-Z, _ or 0-9, and the first character can't be a number.

USING: infix locals math.functions ; :: binary_entropy ( p -- h ) [infix -(p*log(p) + (1-p)*log(1-p)) / log(2) infix] ; [infix binary_entropy( sqrt(0.25) ) infix] .

You can access sequences inside infix expressions with the familiar seq[index] notation.
USING: arrays locals infix ; [let { 1 2 3 4 } :> myarr [infix myarr[4/2]*3 infix] ] .

You can create sub-sequences inside infix expressions using seq[from:to] notation.
USING: arrays locals infix ; [let "foobar" :> s [infix s[0:3] infix] ] .

Additionally, you can step through sequences with seq[from:to:step] notation.
USING: arrays locals infix ; [let "reverse" :> s [infix s[::-1] infix] ] .

USING: arrays locals infix ; [let "0123456789" :> s [infix s[::2] infix] ] .