Furnace action configuration
Furnace framework ยป Furnace actions

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Actions have the following slots:
restA parameter name to map the rest of the URL, after the action name, to. If this is not set, then navigating to a URL where the action is not the last path component will return to the client with an error. A more general facility can be found in the http.server.rewrite vocabulary.
initA quotation called at the beginning of a GET, HEAD or DELETE request. Typically this quotation configures HTML forms and parses query parameters.
authorizeA quotation called at the beginning of all implemented requests. In GET, HEAD and DELETE requests, it is called after the init quotation; in PATCH, POST and PUT requests, it is called after the validate quotation. By convention, this quotation performs custom authorization checks which depend on query parameters or POST parameters.
displayA quotation called after the init quotation in a GET request. This quotation must return an HTTP response.
validateA quotation called at the beginning of a POST request to validate POST parameters.
submitA quotation called after the validate quotation in a POST request. This quotation must return an HTTP response.
replaceA quotation called after the validate quotation in a PUT request. This quotation must return an HTTP response.
updateA quotation called after the validate quotation in a PATCH request. This quotation must return an HTTP response.
deleteA quotation called after the init quotation in a DELETE request. This quotation must return an HTTP response.

At least one of the display and submit slots must be set, otherwise the action will be useless.